Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bushes policy on Iraq -Stay the course

USA International Politics –Bushes policy on Iraq
Stay the course

I don’t often agree with bush on any of his policies but I have to agree with the policy of staying the course, for the only reason we have no other choice. Now that he has gotten us tangled up in this mess we all have to support our men and woman in the arm forces. I support them 100%.It’s not their fault that the mad man in the white house has blinders on. They are doing a great job against the odds that they face. They need better equipment and vest to cut down the deaths we face every day.
So write or call your representatives in Washington and tell them to find another way to stop the mad man but don’t cut aid to the people that it would hurt the most.
Again I have to state that I think it’s time that our allies get off their ass and help. But bush will never ask. England should send over at least 20,000 more troops. They are the ones that are getting hit the hardest outside of Iraq, it time that they take more of a roll in the front line of the war.
The only way we will win this war is to let the people who are there run it,(The Generals). I am afraid to say no matter who runs this war it is going to last longer than any war we’ve had in the past.

If you disagree with me let me know

By Herb A Krantz

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