Artist Bio Herb A Krantz
• Around age 50 I started to appreciate art again. A friend of ours (Bill Campbell) introduced me to art auctions. Bill Campbell had awakened my love of art. Five years ago I started going to art auctions at Park West Galleries, first on their cruise ships and then at their land auctions. I now, have 30 pieces of art in my collection. The artists that inspired me to start my journey into the world art was Anatole Krasnyansky, Dali, De kooning, Jackson Pollack and Peter Max, whom I had the brief pleasure of meeting. You will find that a lot of my art contains cartoon type carters. This type of art was my way of expressing myself when I first started as a child. Even now in most of my early paintings, I couldn’t pass up the chance to add some kind of face or cartoon, however lately I have gone towards abstract art. My backgrounds are a mixture of techniques with different blends of color and paints. I will use brushes, knives, rollers or anything I can get my hands on. I have no real formal training; however I have attended several art classes in the past four years and entered several shows.
• The first class I attended was on “How to Draw in 2001. It was a night class that was held at Upper Dublin High School in Dresher Pa. The teacher was a local published artist by the name of Mike Swede. In 2002 and 2003, I attended watercolor classes that were held at Tammont Park Art Center. The art teacher was a very well known artist named Joan Feiss. Joan was known not only around Montgomery County but in Bucks and Philadelphia Counties as well as Cape May and other shore towns. In 2004 and2005 I attended Classes at Mercer County Community College at the Artworks in Trenton N.J. The teacher was Michael Madigan. He was a well travel artist with several shows. This October I have started another class on how to draw with Barbra Lewis that is held at Mixed Media’s art Gallery.
Art Shows
• My first show was in 2002 at Tammont Park Art Center. My second show was held at Artman Community Center in 2003. I placed six works in that show. I was asked to place several pieces at the Artworks show in 2005 but I couldn’t due to being out of town that week.
• I have sold several pieces privately through the net on an artist web site www.yessy.com I was also commissioned to create a special work using special colors for a bedroom.
• This November my art will be displayed at Artman Community Center art show again. I am also working to place several pieces of art in local galleries