Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Empty Promises

Bush is at it again
His speech April 24/06

Bush said the Federal Trade Commission, the Justice Department and the Energy Department were investigating whether the price of gasoline has been unfairly manipulated. The administration also contacted all 50 state attorneys general to offer technical assistance to urge them to investigate possible illegal price manipulation within their jurisdictions.
During the last few days, Bush asked his Energy and Justice departments to open inquiries into whether the price of gasoline has been illegally manipulated.
It's unclear what impact, if any, Bush's investigation would have on prices that are near or at $3 a gallon or more. Asked if Bush had any reason to suspect market manipulation, White House press secretary Scott McClellan responded, "Well, gas prices are high right now, and that's why you want to make sure there's not."
The administration sent letters Tuesday to state attorneys general urging them to vigorously enforce state law "against any anticompetitive, anticonsumer conduct in the petroleum industry."
"Consumers around the nation have expressed concerns about what they have perceived as anticompetitive or otherwise unfair conduct by the world's major oil companies," said Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Federal Trade Commission Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras. Their letter said federal agencies had substantially increased efforts to monitor, detect and prevent any violations of the law.
House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., urged Bush in a letter Monday to order a federal investigation into any gasoline price gouging or market speculation.
"There is no silver bullet," Frist said Tuesday on ABC's "Good Morning America," but "we need to make sure that any efforts at price-gouging be addressed and addressed aggressively." Meanwhile, Frist said, consumers should take steps to conserve gasoline - drive at slower speeds, tune up car engines for maximum efficiency and carpool.
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada dispatched his own letter, calling for a multi-pronged approach to restrain gas prices.

Now do you really think that bush and the political leaders are going to hurt their buddies and themselves. Remember last year when gas hit $3.00 a gallon, the same things was said back then and what happen? Nothing, absolutely nothing and that is what will happen again. When gas goes down it will all be forgotten? That’s our fault. We forget we as a whole have the power to do something. Look back at the 60’s and what was accomplished when we screamed loud enough to make our dear politicians listen. We still can do it know.

I would like to know where the hell are all the people who get up and scream ever election year we must fix what’s wrong. Like good old Ralph Nader where is he? Why haven’t we heard from him and people like him. Jessie Jackson, this hurts his people even worst than the whites. We have a special prosecutor for everything else why not for this? No one on capital hill what’s us to know, that’s why. The fact is that too many heads would roll starting with our President.

In closing I have to remark about the stupid email that is going around.
"We should all boycott Gas station."
Sure and not go to work so we will all go broke. Maybe not go anywhere on the weekends. Great that would only hurt our economy even more. That is almost as good as when Opera and others were telling everyone to stay off airplanes right after 911. That means the terrorist win and the airplane industry will go bankrupt. That’s what almost happens. So before you listen to what anyone’s telling you to do, think about what it will do to all of us, not just the gas companies or the few rich that control our economy.

Herb A Krantz