Monday, March 05, 2007

Taxes What A joke

Taxes what a joke

Tax time is here again. This is the time of year that most of us hate, because we know that we will be paying not receiving. The government leaders make it so!
They scream no new taxes, however they don’t tell you about the deductions that they are taking away from us every year or so.
Does anyone remember once upon a time we could take off the interest you paid on the credit your cards? How about the interest you paid on your car loan. Any
interest you paid on any loan you had outstanding loan. That’s all gone. Getting credit for the decreasing value of your property or repairs made. I am not sure about this one but I think the either have a cap or took a way medical expenses. Believe it or not we even receive a credit for clothes we bought for work. Now only the rich get that.
The only thing we have left is our interest on our home loans and they are tying to take that away.
Every once in while you will hear a murmur about taxing your benefits from work. The congress has to come up with some way to pay for the money they spend without having it in the bank.
We didn’t always have taxes. I ‘m not old enough to remember that but I remember reading about it some where. Would it be nice if we didn’t need it anymore.

How about if we did away with taxes for everyone who made 100,000 or less combine household income or less. If we did that the federal government would have to tax everything the states already tax. So that means we would get taxed twice.
I prefer to do away with the income tax altogether and just have taxes on food, gas, everyday items that we use and buy. That way everyone would pay their fair share including the very rich. There would be no free ride but that’s too simple and the government would never even consider that. Maybe it’s time that we rise up and demand to Keep it simple stupid (KISS). To make a tax law that we will vote on and in if we agree for we are the one’s who are paying it.

By Herb A Krantz

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