Friday, April 14, 2006

Can you Believe it!!? Bush #1 Asshole

Our dear old president is at it again, this time he has lost his mind (what little he had), altogether. Maybe he is hitting the bottle again. How can he forget what the Arab counties have done to us especially this country in general. They support the terrorist's cause in every aspect as they pretend to be our friends.
On top of everything, he makes a statement that a foreign country owns half of the company that runs the ports now. The difference, stupid, is that it was Great Britain who is our ally, not enemy.
This President is going to set us back so far that we will never see the light of day for generations to come no matter who becomes president after him. He should be put out to pasture like they do with all animals that have lost it. I can't believe that the majority of you voted this moron into office again. Maybe now you see the mistake you have made for all of us.


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