Saturday, April 22, 2006

Wake Up America

Contents sad but true:

POEM - Illegal Immigrants

I cross the ocean, poor and broke,

Take a bus and see employment .

Nice man treats me good out there, Say I need to go see Welfare.

Welfare say, you come no more, we will send cash to your door."

Welfare checks, they make you wealthy. Medicaid that will keep you healthy!

Thanks to you, TAXPAYER dummy.
Write to friends in motherland. Tell them 'come, fast as you can'.

They come in turbans and Ford trucks and buy big house with welfare bucks.

They come here to live together, more welfare checks, it gets better! Fourteen families they moving in, But neighbor's patience are wearing thin.

Finally, white guy moves away, I buy his house, and then I say. More aliens
for house to rent." In my yard I put a tent. Send for family to come and stay so they can draw welfare checks and enjoy life on taxpayer pay.

Everything is very good, Soon we own the whole neighborhood.

We have hobby it called breeding. Welfare pay’s for babies feeding.

Kids need dentist.Wife need pills? We get them all free! We got no bills!

TAXPAYER crazy! He pay all year to keep welfare running here.

We think Canada/America too. Darn good place! Too darn good for white man race.
If they no like us, they can scram, Got lots of room in Pakistan.

These words above aren’t mine but I do Feel that we have to do something about all the Illegal Immigrants that just flow into this country without being watched. I know a lot of you would disagree with me and say that our grandparents came over years ago and no one watched them. Well you are right and wrong. My grandparent’s were stopped at Liberty Island and register there before the stepped one foot on the main land of the U.S.A. After that the went on their way but they were all registered. We should do the same now as we did then. If a person coming form another country to live ,work, or go to school here does not want to register they are hiding something.

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