Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ya We Won!!!!!

Ya We Won!!!!!!!!

Now that we put this president in his place and show him that he is not the king of all us, what will happen now?
His first move was a brave but necessary move that should of been done months, shit years ago, but then again this president thinks he know best.
Last night Election night he found out just how wrong he was. It just goes to show you even moron’s like him, can finally get it through his brain (as small as it is), that he is there to govern all the people not just some. And what he thinks about some issues is not what the majority wants.
There is a new wind blowing in Washington hopefully it will be a
strong wind that will do the bidding of the people who gave it it’s
strength. Just because they are Democrats still does not guarantee
that they will do what the majority want.
So know that the election is over it’s our turn, each individual
person that voted to watch what this new breed does and vote
them out if they turn to be more of the same.
Let our voice be heard on every vote the cast. Let them know if you
are against or for what they are doing throughout the next 2-4-6
years before the next elections. Because politicians are politicians
no matter what color they wear.

After thought
Even though I do not fully agree with the war in Iraq, let not forget
why we got involved with going to the Middle East. No matter what we can not cut and run!!! We have done that to many times in recent history. If we do it this time it will be fatal not only for us but for the world to come. The terrorist will have won a major battle and eventually the war.

Herb A Krantz

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