Sunday, December 10, 2006

Phila basekball Fan-See YS A.I. don't let the door hiTYA

All the Basketball fans in Phila know A.I. all to well. Either you love him or hate him. Whichever you know what I have to say it true. He maybe a good player but his antics off the boards always seemed to get in the way of the team. In my option he has caused to many go coaches to pass the 76er’s by. No one wanted to put up with his crap
AI complains that he hasn’t won the big game; the ring is not on his finger. I guess he never thought he was part of the problem, not the cure.
Everyone else had to show up at practice, not him he’s to good for that. He doesn’t need practice. He a little shrimp with a big head, bigger than his talent. Don’t get me wrong I will give AI his do. He is a very talented player and when he does play he plays with his hart. He should play more as a team player though instead of hogging the ball. Their are other players on the 76er’s that can play almost as good as him.
I said it a long time ago that it was time to get rid of Alan Iverson, he was nothing but trouble. Every time he would start gaining my respect again he would pull more crape to remind me that he was trouble.
I often wondered if he was really injured all those time or just a way of getting out of practicing. I just hop that the 76’er get a very good young player for him, not like the Eagles and Phillies who always seem to get the old players that are at the end of their careers. We finally have a chance to get rid of the thorn in the side of this team, lets get some one who can not only fill his place but also be a team player, so we finally win the championship.
Good-by AI don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out of town. You will finally be some one else’s problem child.
See YA.

Herb Krantz

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