Bush & Chaney Dumb and Dumber
Bush and Chaney to peas in a pod one is dumb and the other is dumber. Which one is which I couldn’t tell you, or maybe they think that we are the dumb ones, especially when our biggest allied support over in Iraq will be pulling one third of there troops out soon.
I don’t know how Chaney or bush can say that this is a good thing.
The British didn’t have a hell of a lot of troops over there to begin with and pretty soon they will have none. The real slap in the face is they were in south Iraq were there was little or no danger or fighting. The rest of the so called countries that are there with there 300 and 400 troops, so what let them go home, it sure as hell will not make a difference in the balance of power.
As we are increasing our troops the British’s are cutting and running. It’s that what they say about the French? As I have said many times before if we can’t get the support of our so called alias let give them no option but to help or loose our support and money. Like Japan, Germany, let’s pull our troops. Stop supporting the World Bank and demand our loans to other countries be paid in full at once. Pull our troops out of all other counties and ship them to Afghanistan and Iraq. Let used our strength as a supper power, and if no one else will fight the terrorist we will have to alone however when they bomb others countries let us just stand there and scratch our heads and let them Handel it .
Again I have to express that this terrorist problem is a world wide problem and the world can not afford to turn there fact away as they have done in the past.
Bush and Chaney must face up to the fact that we are not bomb enough to believe the ridiculous statement that Chaney has uttered. It is not a good thing that our allies are abandoning us in our time of need and there’s. It is time the President and Vise President start telling us and the world the truth.
I do not agree that the Iraq war was necessary to start but we are there and know we have no choice but to make sure that we do not make another mistake that will change the world and not in a good way. This is a battle that will last for years to come, maybe not in Iraq but in Europe and Asia and here.
I do not agree with Bush and this war but Bush has perpetuated this war. I do agree the we must win at all cost.
Herb A Krantz
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Bush and Chaney to peas in a pod one is dumb and the other is dumber. Which one is which I couldn’t tell you, or maybe they think that we are the dumb ones, especially when our biggest allied support over in Iraq will be pulling one third of there troops out soon.
I don’t know how Chaney or bush can say that this is a good thing.
The British didn’t have a hell of a lot of troops over there to begin with and pretty soon they will have none. The real slap in the face is they were in south Iraq were there was little or no danger or fighting. The rest of the so called countries that are there with there 300 and 400 troops, so what let them go home, it sure as hell will not make a difference in the balance of power.
As we are increasing our troops the British’s are cutting and running. It’s that what they say about the French? As I have said many times before if we can’t get the support of our so called alias let give them no option but to help or loose our support and money. Like Japan, Germany, let’s pull our troops. Stop supporting the World Bank and demand our loans to other countries be paid in full at once. Pull our troops out of all other counties and ship them to Afghanistan and Iraq. Let used our strength as a supper power, and if no one else will fight the terrorist we will have to alone however when they bomb others countries let us just stand there and scratch our heads and let them Handel it .
Again I have to express that this terrorist problem is a world wide problem and the world can not afford to turn there fact away as they have done in the past.
Bush and Chaney must face up to the fact that we are not bomb enough to believe the ridiculous statement that Chaney has uttered. It is not a good thing that our allies are abandoning us in our time of need and there’s. It is time the President and Vise President start telling us and the world the truth.
I do not agree that the Iraq war was necessary to start but we are there and know we have no choice but to make sure that we do not make another mistake that will change the world and not in a good way. This is a battle that will last for years to come, maybe not in Iraq but in Europe and Asia and here.
I do not agree with Bush and this war but Bush has perpetuated this war. I do agree the we must win at all cost.
Herb A Krantz
I have created a discount shopping internet mall that donates 40% of profit to the charities listed
Please click and enjoy shopping while giving to charity.
Home Shopping Center Mall (Affordable Shopping Mall)
AAA Vacations Plus
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