Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Today's immigrants and Social Security

Today's immigrants and Social Security

Is there really any debate on who deserves to receive social security at retirement?
I don’t know, could it be the people that are put money into the fund or the people who are here illegally working without paying taxes? The answer is clear to me. Then why is the congress still debating on giving that benefit to the same people who do not want to become citizen? As far as I am concerned if you don’t want to pay you should get anything including medical services. Go the hell back where you came from...
When my grandparents and yours came over her from where ever they were, they did everything in their power to make a better life for their family. They went to work every day doing the menial jobs that some of these illegal asshole complain about. I don’t want to know that theses are jobs that other don’t want. Our grandparents did them long before them and they progress from there to better jobs. The difference is that the became citizen, went to school and learned the langue and made something out of themselves instead of just stagnating and stealing.
If I had my way I would give all illegal aliens till April 15 to either register or get out of the country. If not they would be hunted down and thrown out.
This may sound harsh, but we have to think of it this way, for every illegal alien one of our parents or grandparents will not get their full benefits. A child and adult will not have the proper medical coverage. A family will not get enough to eat. The less fortunate will have the little they get taken away from them.
Look at what the president want to do to fight this war. We can not as a people support this war against terrorist and still support the illegal aliens some of who are waiting to strike against us and kill as many as they can.
If you want to take advantage of all this great country can offer you, you must be a citizen not a visitor. My nice has been over England for around three years they will not let her work there until she becomes a citizen. Why do we have to be different?
If we really want to safe guard our boarders from terrorist we will have to become more diligent about whom we let in.
Call your political leaders and let them know how you feel !!

By Herb A Krantz

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