This is the snail-mail letter that was sent to The Presidentand a US Senators.
The Honorable Senators Melendez and Lautenberg731 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC, 20510 Dear Senators Melendez and Lautenberg, As a native of New Jersey and an excellent customer ofthe Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask foryour assistance. I have contacted the Department ofHomeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and theyreferred me to you. My primary reason for wishing to change my status fromU.S. Citizen to illegal alien stems from the billwhich was recently proposed by the Senate and forwhich you support. If my understanding of this bill's provisions isaccurate, as an illegal alien who has been in theUnited States for five years, all I need to do tobecome a citizen is to pay a $2,000 fine and incometaxes for three of the last five years. I know a good deal when I see one and I am anxious toget the process started before everyone figures itout. Simply put, those of us who have been here legallyhave had to pay taxes every year so I'm excited aboutthe prospect of avoiding two years of taxes in returnfor paying a $2,000 fine. Is there any way that I can apply to be illegal retroactively? This wouldyield an excellent result for me and my family becausewe paid heavy taxes in 2004 and 2005. Additionally, as an illegal alien I could begin usingthe local emergency room as my primary health careprovider. Once I have stopped paying premiums formedical insurance, my accountant figures I could save almost $10,000 a year. Another benefit in gaining illegal status would bethat my daughter would receive preferential treatmentrelative to her law school applications, as well as"in-state" tuition rates for many colleges throughoutthe United States for my son. Lastly, I understand that illegal status would relieveme of the burden of renewing my driver's license andmaking those burdensome car insurance premiums. Thisis very important to me given that I still have high school aged grandchildren driving mycar. If you would provide me with an outline of the processto become illegal (retroactively if possible) andcopies of the necessary forms, I would be mostappreciative. Thank you for your assistance. Your Loyal Constituent, Commentary Herb A Krantz
This email was sent to me. As I read it my anger stirred because it is the truth. The illegally aliens have more right than us who pay for them. My ancestors did not come here years ago to sweat and give of their lives to this country so illegally aliens can have it easy. If you do not want to be a citizen of the USA then get the hell out!!!!. Who the hell needs you! The illegally aliens farmers will find people to do the work, there are plenty of people out of work. More than the government is telling us.
It’s bad enough that people from other countries came here and work for a short while and collect Social Security back in their country for the rest of their lives.
We as the people who are born here are not only asked to support them but now we have to support the illegally aliens also.
If I become an illegal alien I will be entitled to more than a person that pays his fair share, so why should they become a citizens?. Those dumb Americans will pay for me and my family. I can come and go as I please.
I can just hear them laughing at us as this words go through their mind or out of there mouths.
Don't get mad at me these are there words not mine. I was born here and Love my Country
Our politicians don’t care they don’t pay Social Security, it’s not there money, and you know how easily the spend ours.
It’s time again to stand up and be counted. Call your Representative in the house and the senate and let them know how made you are. If you don’t then don’t complain when there is nothing left for us, or we have to pay higher taxes.
I have put a link blow to my charity website. It was started in the of my cousin Alan Staller. This discount shopping inter mall will give 40% of the profits to the charities list there. You get to shop at a discount while donating to good causes.
Home Shopping Center Mall
If I become an illegal alien I will be entitled to more than a person that pays his fair share, so why should I become a citizens?. Those dumb Americans will pay for me and my family. I can come and go as I please.
Please vist my charity discount shopping site. Every time you buy something a 40% percentage will go to charity.Book a cruise,vaction, all inculsive or travel anywhere part of that will go to the charities listed. Link is
Home Shopping Center Mall
AAA vacations Plus
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
The Iraq War Protesters
What the f is it with these people that protest against this war and our troops. Do the really have any idea of what there is to loss if we just walk away.
I don’t agree with the Bush or how we got into this war, but now we have no choice but to win. That means staying there for a long time to come.
We should have concentrated on Afghanistan and won that along with capturing Ben Laden.
Even that would have ended the terrorist threats but it might not have been as bad as it is now. Maybe we would have had time to get a real coalition together to fight the terrorist, not a few countries that we have now. I stall think that we should use our political force, (What we have left), to convince our so called allies to join us in Iraq or else.
Weak up America and World this is a war that will only go away when we kill every Terrorist that is here now and the new ones that are being brought up for the future. That means every man, woman and child.
This is not a task that that will be measured in a specific period of time. I don’t think that this will happen in my life time and I am only in my middle fifties.
This is war that may last for hundreds of years.
It’s time we all realize that after 911 our lives and the world will never be the same. It is a more dangerous world today. Our children will never see the kind of world we had. They will be fighting this war for years to come.
Bush has to make sure that the hundred’s of thousands of troops that will be coming home get the medical, physical and monitorial needs taken car of. That’s what you should be protesting for, not against our troops who are doing a job that Bush ordered them to do.
Next time you take to the streets remember who started this war and protest against him! Asked for him to step down.
BY Herb Krantz
I have place a Charity discount shopping inter mall below. Every time you make a purchase 40% of the profits go to a charity listed. Please visit us often and donate.
Please vist my charity discount shopping site. Every time you buy something a percentage will go to charity.Book a cruise,vaction, all inculsive or travel anywhere part of that will go to the charities listed. Link is
I don’t agree with the Bush or how we got into this war, but now we have no choice but to win. That means staying there for a long time to come.
We should have concentrated on Afghanistan and won that along with capturing Ben Laden.
Even that would have ended the terrorist threats but it might not have been as bad as it is now. Maybe we would have had time to get a real coalition together to fight the terrorist, not a few countries that we have now. I stall think that we should use our political force, (What we have left), to convince our so called allies to join us in Iraq or else.
Weak up America and World this is a war that will only go away when we kill every Terrorist that is here now and the new ones that are being brought up for the future. That means every man, woman and child.
This is not a task that that will be measured in a specific period of time. I don’t think that this will happen in my life time and I am only in my middle fifties.
This is war that may last for hundreds of years.
It’s time we all realize that after 911 our lives and the world will never be the same. It is a more dangerous world today. Our children will never see the kind of world we had. They will be fighting this war for years to come.
Bush has to make sure that the hundred’s of thousands of troops that will be coming home get the medical, physical and monitorial needs taken car of. That’s what you should be protesting for, not against our troops who are doing a job that Bush ordered them to do.
Next time you take to the streets remember who started this war and protest against him! Asked for him to step down.
BY Herb Krantz
I have place a Charity discount shopping inter mall below. Every time you make a purchase 40% of the profits go to a charity listed. Please visit us often and donate.
Please vist my charity discount shopping site. Every time you buy something a percentage will go to charity.Book a cruise,vaction, all inculsive or travel anywhere part of that will go to the charities listed. Link is
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
What are we death dumb and blind? Let’s not be fool by Venezuela. It’s time we Wake up America!
This was very important to me when I received it via email. I felt that I had to share it. I was wondering about all those TV spots concerning Citgo providing oil to the poor... Don’t be fooled. Read this and pass it around.
Subject: Citgo's Name Change - Spread the wordFYI...Subject: Citgo's Name Change - Spread the word. This past week, thePresident of Iran visited President Chavez of Venezuela. Their main theme atthe meetings, "DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA" and "KILL ALL JEWS"! It is notPresident Bush they hate. It is you and me!President Chavez is spreading the "HATE AMERICA" to other South Americancountries. All Americans must stand up and listen to what the twoPresidents say. Chavez is using the "oil to the poor" in this country toundermine our government.Now Citgo is changing their name because of poor sales caused by ourstanding up and not buying Citgo gas. Don't let the name change fool you -it's still Chavez's gas!CITGO Changing Name To PETRO EXPRESSI had to forward this, because Chavez is starting to feel the loss ofrevenue from his holdings - HE OWNS CITGO. This is a very important movethat everyone should be aware of.ANNOUNCED JUST RECENTLY, CITGO, BEING AWARE THAT SALES ARE DOWN DUE TO U.S.CUSTOMERS NOT WANTING TO BUY FROM "CHAVEZ", HAS STARTED TO CHANGE THE NAMEOF SOME OF THEIR STORES, TO: "PETRO EXPRESS".DO NOT BUY FROM "PETRO EXPRESS". "PETRO EXPRESS" IS ALSO 100% OWNED BY"CHAVEZ". KEEP THIS MEMO GOING SO EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT IS HAPPENING.
Commentary By Herb A Krantz
I received this by e-mail and wanted to share it with you. I remember not to long ago receiving an email with all the gas companies that donate some of their funds back to terrorist groups all over the world especially alkida. Citgo was one of them high on the list.
Are we really that dumb to believe that CHAVEZ cares that much about America after meeting and agreeing with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to give oil at a discount to our poor?
Where’s the press? Why haven’t they looked into this?
We are hurting Chavez by not buying his oil. I am also surprised that the kenndies are affiliated with this advertisement. But then again it was said they got their money by supplying the Nazis with guns. I’m not saying it tore but why would the have a Kennedy telling us about the good work of Citgo for our Citizens. To me it’d all suspect. I think it’s time we should all wake up before we find it to late. If you think that we have lost our Human rights know, it is nothing compared to if we lose this war and Venezuela has placed themselves right along side the terrorist. If you are as concerned as I call your government leaders and news channels.
By Herb A Krantz
I have place a link to me Charity discount shopping link below. Please visit 40% of all profits will go to the charities listed on the site.
Please vist my charity discount shopping site. Every time you buy something a percentage will go to charity.Book a cruise,vaction, all inculsive or travel anywhere part of that will go to the charities listed. Link is
This was very important to me when I received it via email. I felt that I had to share it. I was wondering about all those TV spots concerning Citgo providing oil to the poor... Don’t be fooled. Read this and pass it around.
Subject: Citgo's Name Change - Spread the wordFYI...Subject: Citgo's Name Change - Spread the word. This past week, thePresident of Iran visited President Chavez of Venezuela. Their main theme atthe meetings, "DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA" and "KILL ALL JEWS"! It is notPresident Bush they hate. It is you and me!President Chavez is spreading the "HATE AMERICA" to other South Americancountries. All Americans must stand up and listen to what the twoPresidents say. Chavez is using the "oil to the poor" in this country toundermine our government.Now Citgo is changing their name because of poor sales caused by ourstanding up and not buying Citgo gas. Don't let the name change fool you -it's still Chavez's gas!CITGO Changing Name To PETRO EXPRESSI had to forward this, because Chavez is starting to feel the loss ofrevenue from his holdings - HE OWNS CITGO. This is a very important movethat everyone should be aware of.ANNOUNCED JUST RECENTLY, CITGO, BEING AWARE THAT SALES ARE DOWN DUE TO U.S.CUSTOMERS NOT WANTING TO BUY FROM "CHAVEZ", HAS STARTED TO CHANGE THE NAMEOF SOME OF THEIR STORES, TO: "PETRO EXPRESS".DO NOT BUY FROM "PETRO EXPRESS". "PETRO EXPRESS" IS ALSO 100% OWNED BY"CHAVEZ". KEEP THIS MEMO GOING SO EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT IS HAPPENING.
Commentary By Herb A Krantz
I received this by e-mail and wanted to share it with you. I remember not to long ago receiving an email with all the gas companies that donate some of their funds back to terrorist groups all over the world especially alkida. Citgo was one of them high on the list.
Are we really that dumb to believe that CHAVEZ cares that much about America after meeting and agreeing with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to give oil at a discount to our poor?
Where’s the press? Why haven’t they looked into this?
We are hurting Chavez by not buying his oil. I am also surprised that the kenndies are affiliated with this advertisement. But then again it was said they got their money by supplying the Nazis with guns. I’m not saying it tore but why would the have a Kennedy telling us about the good work of Citgo for our Citizens. To me it’d all suspect. I think it’s time we should all wake up before we find it to late. If you think that we have lost our Human rights know, it is nothing compared to if we lose this war and Venezuela has placed themselves right along side the terrorist. If you are as concerned as I call your government leaders and news channels.
By Herb A Krantz
I have place a link to me Charity discount shopping link below. Please visit 40% of all profits will go to the charities listed on the site.
Please vist my charity discount shopping site. Every time you buy something a percentage will go to charity.Book a cruise,vaction, all inculsive or travel anywhere part of that will go to the charities listed. Link is
Monday, March 05, 2007
Taxes What A joke
Taxes what a joke
Tax time is here again. This is the time of year that most of us hate, because we know that we will be paying not receiving. The government leaders make it so!
They scream no new taxes, however they don’t tell you about the deductions that they are taking away from us every year or so.
Does anyone remember once upon a time we could take off the interest you paid on the credit your cards? How about the interest you paid on your car loan. Any
interest you paid on any loan you had outstanding loan. That’s all gone. Getting credit for the decreasing value of your property or repairs made. I am not sure about this one but I think the either have a cap or took a way medical expenses. Believe it or not we even receive a credit for clothes we bought for work. Now only the rich get that.
The only thing we have left is our interest on our home loans and they are tying to take that away.
Every once in while you will hear a murmur about taxing your benefits from work. The congress has to come up with some way to pay for the money they spend without having it in the bank.
We didn’t always have taxes. I ‘m not old enough to remember that but I remember reading about it some where. Would it be nice if we didn’t need it anymore.
How about if we did away with taxes for everyone who made 100,000 or less combine household income or less. If we did that the federal government would have to tax everything the states already tax. So that means we would get taxed twice.
I prefer to do away with the income tax altogether and just have taxes on food, gas, everyday items that we use and buy. That way everyone would pay their fair share including the very rich. There would be no free ride but that’s too simple and the government would never even consider that. Maybe it’s time that we rise up and demand to Keep it simple stupid (KISS). To make a tax law that we will vote on and in if we agree for we are the one’s who are paying it.
By Herb A Krantz
I have posted a link below to my Charity Discount Shopping Internet Mall website. 40% of the profits will go to the charities listed. You get bargains and give to charity at the same time.
Tax time is here again. This is the time of year that most of us hate, because we know that we will be paying not receiving. The government leaders make it so!
They scream no new taxes, however they don’t tell you about the deductions that they are taking away from us every year or so.
Does anyone remember once upon a time we could take off the interest you paid on the credit your cards? How about the interest you paid on your car loan. Any
interest you paid on any loan you had outstanding loan. That’s all gone. Getting credit for the decreasing value of your property or repairs made. I am not sure about this one but I think the either have a cap or took a way medical expenses. Believe it or not we even receive a credit for clothes we bought for work. Now only the rich get that.
The only thing we have left is our interest on our home loans and they are tying to take that away.
Every once in while you will hear a murmur about taxing your benefits from work. The congress has to come up with some way to pay for the money they spend without having it in the bank.
We didn’t always have taxes. I ‘m not old enough to remember that but I remember reading about it some where. Would it be nice if we didn’t need it anymore.
How about if we did away with taxes for everyone who made 100,000 or less combine household income or less. If we did that the federal government would have to tax everything the states already tax. So that means we would get taxed twice.
I prefer to do away with the income tax altogether and just have taxes on food, gas, everyday items that we use and buy. That way everyone would pay their fair share including the very rich. There would be no free ride but that’s too simple and the government would never even consider that. Maybe it’s time that we rise up and demand to Keep it simple stupid (KISS). To make a tax law that we will vote on and in if we agree for we are the one’s who are paying it.
By Herb A Krantz
I have posted a link below to my Charity Discount Shopping Internet Mall website. 40% of the profits will go to the charities listed. You get bargains and give to charity at the same time.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Vise President Chaney Close call/OH Shucks

Vise President Chaney Close call/OH Shucks
Not that I want any harm to come to Chaney but maybe he will see what is really going on over there and come out of his dream state, that everything is going well.
Maybe reality will sink in? I think not. He has convinced himself that everything is going right on plan. He was asked by a news man how he felt about the attack on his life. He responded that they are trying to question the real authority. Who was he speaking about Hamid Karzai or himself? Even if they would have killed him we still have to put up with the idiot in the white house. The true tragedy is that 23 people had to die and 20 more were injured. They weren’t rushed into a bomb shelter; they took the blast for him. I wonder if he thinks about those poor souls?
By Herb A Krantz
I have posted my discount shopping website. 40% of the profits will go to the charities listed on the site. You get great bargains while giving to charity.
Home Shopping Center Mall (Affordable Shopping Mall)
AAA Vacations Plus
Not that I want any harm to come to Chaney but maybe he will see what is really going on over there and come out of his dream state, that everything is going well.
Maybe reality will sink in? I think not. He has convinced himself that everything is going right on plan. He was asked by a news man how he felt about the attack on his life. He responded that they are trying to question the real authority. Who was he speaking about Hamid Karzai or himself? Even if they would have killed him we still have to put up with the idiot in the white house. The true tragedy is that 23 people had to die and 20 more were injured. They weren’t rushed into a bomb shelter; they took the blast for him. I wonder if he thinks about those poor souls?
By Herb A Krantz
I have posted my discount shopping website. 40% of the profits will go to the charities listed on the site. You get great bargains while giving to charity.
Home Shopping Center Mall (Affordable Shopping Mall)
AAA Vacations Plus
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