Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Iraq War Protesters

What the f is it with these people that protest against this war and our troops. Do the really have any idea of what there is to loss if we just walk away.
I don’t agree with the Bush or how we got into this war, but now we have no choice but to win. That means staying there for a long time to come.
We should have concentrated on Afghanistan and won that along with capturing Ben Laden.
Even that would have ended the terrorist threats but it might not have been as bad as it is now. Maybe we would have had time to get a real coalition together to fight the terrorist, not a few countries that we have now. I stall think that we should use our political force, (What we have left), to convince our so called allies to join us in Iraq or else.
Weak up America and World this is a war that will only go away when we kill every Terrorist that is here now and the new ones that are being brought up for the future. That means every man, woman and child.
This is not a task that that will be measured in a specific period of time. I don’t think that this will happen in my life time and I am only in my middle fifties.
This is war that may last for hundreds of years.
It’s time we all realize that after 911 our lives and the world will never be the same. It is a more dangerous world today. Our children will never see the kind of world we had. They will be fighting this war for years to come.
Bush has to make sure that the hundred’s of thousands of troops that will be coming home get the medical, physical and monitorial needs taken car of. That’s what you should be protesting for, not against our troops who are doing a job that Bush ordered them to do.
Next time you take to the streets remember who started this war and protest against him! Asked for him to step down.

BY Herb Krantz

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