Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Ture Story : What I want for New Year’s 2007
Is always a bad time of year for me around Christmas and New year, I look back upon the year passed and try and see what I have accomplished and every year it is the same answer. My dream has still not been accomplished yet, it’s the same crap every year. I just haven’t tried hard enough , my dream is give back to the people that had given to my family when I was little and was stricken with a illness that no one hears about anymore, encephalitis (sleeping sickness), it was a disease that usually happens in animals not humans, and it was a killer disease. I was one of a few that back in the fifties that lived. This year it took on more importance because of the accident and death of my cousin Alan Staller. I wanted to start a web site for him to run and create a source of income for him and others who could not get the help they need with their spinal injures. I am almost there but just a little to late to help Alan. I am not trying to make anyone fell sorry for me because I feel that we are given opportunities in life and it is up to us to either take them or let them pass us by. I had many opportunities that I let slip out of my hands. You must keep in mind that when you are ready to take a chance to do something and others tell you no, it is because they are afraid to take chances in their lives. That will let opportunities go by strictly out of fear and not because they feel they can’t, it is what happens if the fail. Fear is an attitude that keeps many people form reaching there dream.
Right now I do not have employment to help me get my dreams of the ground but it has given me time to research on how to create and build an affiliate website. Now I just have to find a job and get started. It maybe another excuse or not, because it takes money to get it running the right way. And when I open another site I what it to be profitable. I would like to give away at least 40% of the profits to different charitable organizations, but majority going to stem cell research since it can cure so many things. I just read an article that if you save baby teeth for your child it could be used some day in the future if they need it. It’s amazing what science it discovering. They are also discovering how to fix the spin so people can walk and get back to there life again,. It maybe to Late for Alan but not for others that will come after him. The internet malls that I will hopefully be put up will be a tribute to my cousin Alan Staller and the many that are going through the suffering that he did.
Through him and Christopher Reeves let us continue the battle they had started.
On my site I have links to Christopher Reeve Org, Michael Fox Org, St Jude’s Children’s hospital, Ronald Mc Donald House, Brest cancer research and site to give donations to our flood victims who are still not receiving the help they should from our government.
I have placed a link below to go to my website that I have bought a while ago. Clink on link, if that dose not work cut and past it into your address bar and click go.
Thank you
Herb A Krantz
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
In memory of those who died in World War II.doc
It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended.This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six millionJews, 20 million Russians,10 million Christians and 1900 Catholic priests, who were murdered,Massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated with the German and Russian peoples looking theother way! Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claiming the Holocaust to be"a myth," it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets. This e-mail is intended to reach forty million people worldwide! Join us and be a link in the memorial chain and help us distribute it aroundthe world. Please send this e-mail to 10 people you know and ask them to continue thememorial chain. Please don't just delete it. It will only take you a minute to pass thisalong - Thanks!
Commentary by Herb A Krantz
This was an email that was sent to me right after the article I posted on my blog about it’s time for the world to wake up. This email points out the fact that there was not only Jews killed but 40 million other people of different faiths that were killed. What we face today is no different; if you do not believe in Islam you will be killed as an infidel. Not much different then the Nazi's. It’s time for us all to wake the hell up. Let not turn our face away just because it Jews, it will happen to you too.
The is a famous saying which I do not know if I saying it right but the jest it the same. They came for my Friend I said not a word, then they came for my brother, Again I said nothing. Once more they came and took another friend away and not a peep did I say, then they came for me! Hopefully you will get the meaning of these words. This fight was already brought to our land on 911 and it will not go away till we win, so we can no contain to place efforts where it will not do the most.
I have place a link for you to listen to. Cut and past it into your address bar and hit go.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
It's time for the world to wake up!!!
By Caroline Glick
Guaranteeing our survival begins with each of us deciding that we are willing to fight to survive. And today the challenge facing us is clear.
When the history of our times is written, this week will be remembered as the week that Washington decided to let the Islamic Republic of Iran go nuclear. Hopefully it will also be remembered as the moment the Jews arose and refused to allow Iran to go nuclear.
With the publication of the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group chaired by former US secretary of state James Baker III and former congressman Lee Hamilton, the debate about the war in Iraq changed. From a war for victory against Islam fascism and for democracy and freedom, the war became reduced to a conflict to be managed by appeasing the US's sworn enemies in the interests of stability, and at the expense of America's allies.
Baker and his associates claim that the US cannot win the war in Iraq and so the US must negotiate with its primary enemies in Iraq and throughout the world -- Iran and Syria -- in the hopes that they will be persuaded to hold their fire for long enough to facilitate an "honorable" American retreat from the country.
Like his unsupported assertion that the US cannot win in Iraq, Baker also asserts -- in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary -- that Iran and Syria share America's "interest in avoiding chaos in Iraq." Because of this supposed shared interest, Baker maintains that with the proper incentives, Iran and Syria can be persuaded to cooperate with a US withdrawal from Iraq ahead of the 2008 presidential primaries.
The main incentive Baker advocates offering is Israel.
Baker believes that Iran will agree to temporarily hold its fire in Iraq in exchange for US acceptance of Iran as a nuclear power and an American pledge not to topple the regime. Syria will assist the US in exchange for US pressure on Israel to hand over the Golan Heights to Syria and Judea and Samaria to Hamas.
Obviously, if implemented, the Baker-Hamilton group's recommendations will be disastrous for Israel. Just the fact that they now form the basis for the public debate on the war is a great blow. But it isn't only Israel that is harmed by their actions. The US too, will be imperiled if their views become administration policy.
Although Baker -- and incoming Secretary of Defense Robert Gates who served on his commission until Bush announced his appointment last month -- believes that there is a deal to be done that will end Iranian and Syrian aggression against the US, its vital interests and its allies, the fact of the matter is that there is no such deal. Contrary to what the Baker report argues and what Gates said in his Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday, Iran is not analogous to the Soviet Union and the war against the global jihad is not a new cold war.
Even if the US were to somehow get them to agree to certain understandings about Iraq, there is no reason to believe that the Iranians and Syrians would keep their word. Not only would the US be approaching them as a supplicant and so emboldening them, but to date the US has never credibly threatened anything either Syria or Iran value. Indeed, through supporting negotiations between the EU and Iran, empowering the UN to deal with Iran's nuclear program, and forcing Israel to accept a cease-fire with Hizbullah last summer that effectively gave victory to the Syrian and Iranian proxy, the US has consistently rewarded the two countries' aggression.
Worse than that, from a US perspective, although Gates admitted Tuesday that he cannot guarantee that Iran will not attack Israel with nuclear weapons, he ignored the fact that Iran -- whose President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad daily calls for the destruction of the US -- may also attack the US with nuclear weapons.
Gates admitted in his Senate hearing that Iran is producing many bombs -- not just one.
Since it is possible to destroy Israel with just one bomb, the Americans should be asking themselves what Iran needs all those other bombs for. There are senior military sources in the US who have been warning the administration to take into consideration that the day that Iran attacks Israel with a nuclear bomb, 10 cities in the US and Europe are liable to also be attacked with nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, no one is listening to these voices today.
It is particularly upsetting that Washington has chosen now of all times to turn its back on the war. Ahmadinejad hinted Monday that Iran has completed the nuclear fuel cycle and so has passed the point of no return on its nuclear program. He also made a statement indicating that Iran will have its nuclear arsenal up and running by March - just four months away.
Serious disagreement exists in Washington over the status of the Iranian program. Some claim that Iran is four or five years away from nuclear weapons capabilities. Others maintain that Iran has recently experienced serious technical setbacks in their uranium enrichment activities and that the North Korean nuclear bomb test in October, in which Iranian officials participated, was a failure.
But there are also engaged officials who agree with Ahmadinejad's assessment of Iran's nuclear progress. Those officials maintain first that the North Korean-Iranian test in October was successful and should be taken as a sign that Iran already has a nuclear arsenal. Second, they warn that the US and Israel have six months to act against Iran's nuclear installations and to overthrow the regime or face the prospect of the annihilation of Israel and the destruction of several US cities as a result of an Iranian nuclear offensive.
Obviously, Israel cannot risk the possibility that the last group of officials is correct. And since Washington has decided to go to sleep, it is up to Israel alone to act.
What must Israel do? First, it must plan an attack against Iran's nuclear facilities and regime command and control centers. To pave the way for such an attack, the IDF must move now to neutralize second order threats like the Palestinian rocket squads and the Syrian ballistic missile arsenals in order to limit the public's exposure to attack during the course of or in the aftermath of an Israeli attack on Iran. Second, Israel must work to topple the Iranian regime. As the Defense Minister's advisor Uri Lubrani told Ha'aretz last week, the regime in Iran is far from stable today and ripe for overthrow.
The overwhelming majority of Iranians despise the regime. There are rebellious groups in every ethnic group and province in the country - Azeris, Kurds, Ahwazi Arabs, Baluchis, Turkmen and even Persians - that are actively working to destabilize the regime. Every day there are strikes of workers, women and students. Every few weeks there are reports of violent clashes between anti-regime groups and regime forces.
Recently, oil pipelines were sabotaged in the oil-rich Khuzestan province in the south where the Ahwazi Arabs are systematically persecuted by the regime. Westerners who recently visited Iran claim that Israel operating alone could overthrow the regime by extending its assistance to these people.
Thirdly, in his testimony in the Senate on Tuesday, Gates casually mentioned that Israel has nuclear weapons. In so doing, he unceremoniously removed four decades of ambiguity over Israel's nuclear status. While his statement caused dismay in Jerusalem, perhaps Israel should see this as an opportunity.
With the threat of nuclear destruction hanging over us, it makes sense to conduct a debate about an Israeli second strike. While such a discussion will not dissuade Iran's fanatical leaders from attacking Israel with nuclear weapons, it could influence the Iranian nation to rise up against their leaders.
Moreover, such a debate could influence other regimes in the region like Saudi Arabia which today behave as if Israel's annihilation will have no adverse impact on them. Americans like Baker, Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and their European friends need to understand that as goes Israel so go the Persian Gulf's oil fields. Such an understanding may influence their willingness to enable Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.
Next Thursday, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations Malcolm Hoenlein and former ambassador to the UN Dore Gold will hold a press conference in New York where they will call for the US to indict Ahmadinejad under the International Convention Against Genocide for his call to annihilate Israel. This is doubtlessly a welcome initiative. But it is insufficient.
In a few months, Iran may well be in possession of nuclear weapons which it will use to destroy the Jewish state. With the US withdrawing from the war and Israel in the hands of incompetents, the time has come for the Jewish people to rise up.
Guaranteeing our survival begins with each of us deciding that we are willing to fight to survive. And today the challenge facing us is clear.
Either the Iranian regime is toppled and its nuclear installations are destroyed or Israel will be annihilated. The Jews in the Diaspora must launch mass demonstrations and demand that their governments take real action to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
The citizens of the State of Israel must also take to the streets. The government that led us to defeat in Lebanon this summer is leading us to a disaster of another order entirely. All citizens must demand that Olmert, his ministers and the generals in the IDF General Staff make an immediate decision. They now hold the responsibility for acting against Iran. They must either act or resign and make way for others who will.
America just abdicated its responsibility to defend itself against Iran and so left Israel high and dry. Nevertheless, the Jewish people is far from powerless. And the State of Israel also is capable of defending itself. But we must act and act immediately
This article originally appeared in the Jerusalem Post.
Commentary by Herb A Krantz
It seams that most of the wars that were and are fought are over religion and most of the time if no all against the Jews. We are the worlds favorite scrape goat.
Well if you believe in the bible any bible the last war that will be fought will be in the Middle East and bring on the end of days. Therefore as long as the Jewish state is alive so is the world as we know it.
If you look back in modern time at all the wars the USA and most of Europe jumped into them when it was almost to late. We as people of the world can’t wait that long this time. The mad man of Iran is getting stronger and will strike when he is ready. As the article says he will strike Israeli first then us in the United States. You thing 911 was bad wait till we are hit with a nuclear bomb.
I am reading and interesting book right now. It is about Abraham (father of many). It’s funny he is the father to the only two legitimate religions. I know that the Christians will get pissed at me but so be it. Abram had two sons Isaac and Ishmael. He told Ishmael mother not to worry about being out in the desert because he God would take care of her and Ishmael because Ishmael would be the father of many. When Abraham went out to kill his son Isaac he was told to spare him for Abraham would be the father of many because he did not question God but did as he asked. He would have more ancestors then the eye could see. Why did god do this? Because Abraham believed in one god, the god who guided him to a new land. Abraham did this all on blind faith. God promised him nothing before he got there
My point is we, the Jews and Arabs believe in one god. We both believe that Abraham was our father and if you believe the Koran and the Old Testament then you have to believe that we worship the same God. So you can say that we are truly brothers. Like brothers we must come together in the name of our father and make him proud of us as his children. But most of all we must not take his name, his teachings, he god name in vain. There has to be a way to find peace within ourselves and for ourselves and God.
Radical people on both sides must be stopped by any means so men and women can put their heads together and stop this craziness. We must all honor Abraham’s and God’s dream.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Majority Predicts History Will Judge Bush Harshly
Majority Predicts History Will Judge Bush Harshly
Critics of Bush's job performance nearly uniform in giving a negative prognosis for his legacy
by Lydia Saad
PRINCETON, NJ -- That ticking sound in the Oval Office may seem louder to President George W. Bush now that there are only two years left on the timer for his presidency. Focusing on his legacy may be more satisfying than dealing with the newly elected Democratic Congress, but a new USA Today/Gallup poll suggests it won't be any easier. According to the Dec. 8-10, 2006 survey, more than half of Americans predict Bush will go down in history as a "below average" or a "poor" president. Only 19% think history will judge him as exemplary (as either "outstanding" or "above average").
The poll asked about the six most recent presidents, from Gerald Ford through George W. Bush.
Fifty-four percent of Americans believe history will consider Bush a below average or poor president. The closest any of the previous five presidents comes to that level is Bill Clinton, with 25% of Americans expecting history to judge him harshly.
Few Americans predict that either Gerald Ford or George H.W. Bush will be remembered as stellar presidents. Their 23% and 32% outstanding/above average scores, respectively, are not that much better than the current president's 19%. But, rather than predicting history to be critical of Ford and the elder Bush as they do for the current Bush, half or more of Americans believe Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush will be remembered as "average."
George W. Bush's ratings are nearly the inverse of the most lauded of recent presidents -- Ronald Reagan. Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe Reagan will go down in history as an outstanding or above average president; only 10% believe he will be judged harshly.
Legacy vs. Job Approval
According to the new poll, 38% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing as president while 59% disapprove. Thus, there is nearly a one-to-one correspondence between the percentage disapproving of Bush and the percentage saying he will be remembered as a subpar president (59% vs. 54%, respectively). Two years ago, there was a bigger gap between these figures (49% disapproval vs. 38% subpar rating).
What has happened is that people who disapprove of the job Bush is doing have grown more intense in their feelings. In June 2004, only 62% of those disapproving of his job performance said he would go down in history as subpar. Today that figure is 85%.
Bush's supporters are much less extreme in their predictions about Bush's legacy than his opponents are in theirs. Only 46% of those who approve of Bush's job performance say he will be remembered as a superior president. The rest of his supporters mostly believe he will be remembered as just average.
This indication of the intensity of anti-Bush sentiment is different from the pattern with most other recent presidents. With presidents Ford, Reagan, and the elder Bush, the percentages saying each would be remembered as below average or poor were generally much lower than the percentages disapproving of their job performance at the points in time the two dimensions of opinion were measured. However, like Bush, Clinton's job disapproval and negative legacy ratings were also very similar.
A Troublesome Comparison
Bush's current image ratings appear to be similar to those of former president Richard Nixon who resigned
in disgrace in 1974 over his role in the Watergate affair. Gallup last measured public opinion about Nixon's legacy in June 2004, at which time 14% of Americans thought he would be considered an outstanding or above average president, 34% said he would be considered average, and 51% predicted he would be remembered as below average or poor.
Whether Bush's current legacy ratings would be similar to Nixon's if the two were rated in the same poll is, however, unclear. It is possible that each president's ratings are affected by the context of other presidents included on the list, thus making the evaluations more relative in nature, rather than absolute.
Survey Methods
Results are based on telephone interviews with 1,009 national adults, aged 18 and older, conducted Dec. 8-10, 2006. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points. In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.
3. How do you think each of the following presidents will go down in history -- as an outstanding president, above average, average, below average, or poor? [RANDOM ORDER]
2006 Dec 8-10(sorted by "outstanding/above average")
Outstanding/Above average Average Belowaverage/Poor
Ronald Reagan 64 26 10
Bill Clinton 45 29 25
Jimmy Carter 38 38 22
George H.W. Bush 32 50 18
Gerald Ford 23 60 12
George W. Bush 19 27 54
A. The current president, George W. Bush
Reagan passed away on June 5, 2006. Interviewing from June 3-4 showed 12%giving him an outstanding rating, 41% above average, 33% average, 8% belowaverage, and 5% poor.
Less than 0.5%
Commentray By Herb Krantz
As you can see by the artical above that it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see what I have been saying for along time about our president,he is a complete moron. Even most of the jerks that voted for him regret it now.
I can't see how a man who couldn't run a business or speak english be the leader of the greatest country of the free world, but I guess that's what makes our country great.
We all know that he won because of one issue and that he and his backers stood for. They didn't care if the rest of the country disagreed. Let us all remember how they went after the people that disagreed with them and next time look at all the issues infront of us that are important.
This man has put the lives of everyone in this world not just Americans in jeopardy. He gave the terrorist a reason to call to arms all moslums to stand up and fight. And they all beleave it.
If they don't the USA will take over their countries and inslave them.
It will come out in years to come that there was no reason to go to Iraq, but we will still be fighting the war bush started.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Dear HonestReporting Subscriber:
In June 2006, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan inaugurated the new United Nations Human Rights Council. The new Council is the successor to the now defunct Human Rights Commission, which was often criticized for its membership of some of the world's worst human rights abusers. There were high hopes that the new body would become the world's leading protector of human rights. At the opening ceremony, Annan said:
"This Council represents a great new chance for the United Nations, and for humanity, to renew the struggle for human rights."
Despite these high hopes, however, the Council quickly focused on singling Israel out for condemnation while ignoring the worst cases of human rights abuses around the world. The media often holds international bodies such as the UNHRC to be a reference and a guiding moral light. Therefore, HonestReporting recognizes the importance of exposing this new body's unbalanced and politicized agenda.
At the first session of the UNHRC, only one nation was singled out for criticism – Israel. The Council decided that Israel was abusing human rights and, to validate their predetermined conclusion, they ordered an investigation. The Council was very clear in what it expected the investigation to conclude. The Council
...decided to undertake substantive consideration of the human rights violations and implications of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and other occupied Arab territories.
The resolution authorized a special session of the UNHRC to focus solely on Israel and that the issue should be on the agenda of all subsequent UNHRC meetings.
As Eye on the UN points out:In Darfur, there are three quarters of a million people beyond humanitarian reach, 2.5 million people displaced by the violence, 385,000 people in immediate risk of starvation, and over two million dead in twenty-two years of violence and deprivation. But there are no plans for the UN's lead human rights agency to have a special session on Darfur.
Unsurprisingly, at the special session called for by the earlier resolution, Israel was singled out for vehement attack. The Council approved Resolution S-1/1: Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. This resolution, without any mention of historical context, terrorism, or Israeli peace proposals:
Expressed deep concern at violations of international law by Israel;
Demanded that Israel end military operations in the occupied Palestinian territories; and
Urged Israel to release members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (who were also members of the Hamas terrorist organization)
On the same day that the Council met to discuss Israel, a report by Human Rights Watch noted:
In response to a nationwide strike protesting increases in the prices of rice and fuel, Guinea's security forces committed murder, rape, assault and theft against demonstrators and bystanders alike.
To date, the Council has taken no action on human rights abuses in Guinea.
In August, following Hezbollah's unprovoked attack on Israel, the UNHRC decided to host another special session. Yet, the Council was not interested in how the conflict started. Instead, it created a commission of inquiry to review the situation but expressly forbid this commission from investigating the actions of Hezbollah. Resolution S-2/1 authorizing the investigation mandated that only certain aspects of the conflict would be examined. These aspects were defined as:
"1) investigating the systematic targeting and killings of civilians by Israel in Lebanon; (b) examining the types of weapons used by Israel and their conformity with international law; and (c) assessing the extent and deadly impact of Israeli attacks on human life, property, critical infrastructure and the environment."
The report noted that:
It is not for the Commission to comment on the political-legal context of the adoption of resolution S-2/1, nor to make judgment on the content of its mandate. It is clear that the mandate of the Commission has limits...and does not allow for a full examination of all of the aspects of the conflict....The Commission is not entitled, even if it had wished, to construe it as equally authorizing the investigation of the actions by Hezbollah in Israel. To do so would exceed the Commission’s interpretative function and would be to usurp the Council’s powers.
The UNHRC deliberately prevented a fair examination of the conflict. Any reasonable investigation would have noted that:
The conflict was initiated when Israeli soldiers were killed and kidnapped on Israeli soil.
Thousands of rockets were deliberately fired at civilian areas in Israel.
The toll in terms of lives, destroyed homes, and damage to the Israeli economy due to the war was immense.
While ignoring any information from the government of Israel, the UNHRC accepted as fact a list of 56 "massacres by the Israeli army" from the Lebanese government. (Annex VI).
The full report is available online here.
On November 15, 19 Palestinian civilians were killed when an Israeli artillery shell veered off course, missing its intended military target. As HonestReporting pointed out, this terrible tragedy occurred due to an unintended accident. The government of Israel apologized immediately and pointed out that if the Palestinians had stopped firing rockets on Sderot, this accident could not have taken place. Yet, that same day, the UNHRC leapt into action to hold yet another special session and pass another resolution condemning Israel. Once again, there was no mention at all of the constant firing of rockets on Israeli civilian areas. There was no mention of Gilad Shalit, still held captive in Gaza. The Council provided no context at all to describe the incident.
The Council "expressed its shock at the horror of Israeli killing of Palestinian civilians in Beit Hanoun and called for bringing the perpetrators thereof to justice". The Council decided to send a fact finding mission to "make recommendations on ways and means to protect Palestinian civilians against further Israeli assaults." No mention was made of protecting Israeli civilians from further assault.
While the Council was meeting, the Toronto Star reported on a study by Human Rights Watch that:
There is "clear and compelling evidence" that Sri Lankan government forces are helping guerrillas to kidnap boys and young men to turn them into child soldiers.
To date, over 65,000 people have been killed in this conflict. The Human Rights Council has never discussed the government abduction of children or the ongoing mass murder in Sri Lanka.
The United Nations Human Rights Council has been in existence for just over six months. During that time, it has ignored terrible human rights abuses around the world. It has become an organization dedicated solely to condemning and vilifying the State of Israel. As such, it lacks credibility and should not be seen by the media as a credible source on the subject of human rights. If you see your media referring to the Council without some background, let them know the facts.
Thank you for your help in fighting media bias.
HonestReporting. Com
Commentary By Herb Krantz
I have said for a long time that the UN was a waste of our time money and effort and should disbanded A.S.A.P... We host these jerks from other countries that have nothing better to do than to try and undermined the USA in every thing we do. They have not real power throughout the world. The could care about human rights or anything that goes against their interest.
It almost sounds like most of the congress and senators we have. The difference is that our congress does not won’t to see the down fall of the USA or Israeli.
We have NATO to help fight and keep peace screw the UN. It seem the love to Israeli bash. The people below have been forgotten. These are the people who have suffered from not having any human right. They have no rights, their oppressors are getting awa with genocide, Where is the UN?. The same place they were when this was happing in Bosnia. Turning their head.
They should all be thrown out of the USA and Then shoot. Below are some of the faces of the forgotten that Needs the help the most. Not terroist!

Phila basekball Fan-See YS A.I. don't let the door hiTYA
AI complains that he hasn’t won the big game; the ring is not on his finger. I guess he never thought he was part of the problem, not the cure.
Everyone else had to show up at practice, not him he’s to good for that. He doesn’t need practice. He a little shrimp with a big head, bigger than his talent. Don’t get me wrong I will give AI his do. He is a very talented player and when he does play he plays with his hart. He should play more as a team player though instead of hogging the ball. Their are other players on the 76er’s that can play almost as good as him.
I said it a long time ago that it was time to get rid of Alan Iverson, he was nothing but trouble. Every time he would start gaining my respect again he would pull more crape to remind me that he was trouble.
I often wondered if he was really injured all those time or just a way of getting out of practicing. I just hop that the 76’er get a very good young player for him, not like the Eagles and Phillies who always seem to get the old players that are at the end of their careers. We finally have a chance to get rid of the thorn in the side of this team, lets get some one who can not only fill his place but also be a team player, so we finally win the championship.
Good-by AI don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out of town. You will finally be some one else’s problem child.
See YA.
Herb Krantz
Thursday, December 07, 2006
President Bush, admitting that "it's bad in Iraq-But does he realy see it?
President Bush, admitting that "it's bad in Iraq," acknowledged Thursday that the United States
needs a new approach in the unpopular war and promised to unveil details in an upcoming speech.
Bush said he was disappointed in the progress in Iraq, but continued to oppose direct U.S. talks with Iran or Syria and remained steadfastly committed to spreading democracy across the Middle East.
"I do know that we have not succeeded as fast as we wanted to succeed," Bush said, standing alongside British Prime Minister Tony Blair, his chief ally in the war. "I do understand that process is not as rapid as I had hoped." Bush's meeting with Blair came a day after the Iraq Study Group headed by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton issued a stinging report saying the Bush policies in Iraq had failed and a major course correction was needed, including beginning to withdraw combat troops.
Bush said the study group's report would be an important part of his considerations. He said he was awaiting results of internal reviews being done at the Pentagon, State Department and the White House and would deliver a speech to the nation on Iraq in coming weeks after he decides on a new course.
The study group concluded that a stable, democratic Iraq was still possible, but Baker said: "We do not know if it can be turned around." Bush was more upbeat, but gave no hints about whether he was contemplating a major policy shift. At the same time, Bush said that he didn't think Baker and Hamilton "expect us to accept every recommendation."
"It makes sense to analyze the situation and to devise a set of tactics and strategies to achieve the objective that I have stated," Bush said. "And so, if the present situation needs to be changed, it follows that we'll change it if we want to succeed."
The report, which warns that the situation in Iraq is "grave and deteriorating," contains 79 separate recommendations. They call for a gradual withdrawal of U.S. combat forces during the next year to ramp up the training of Iraqi security forces. There are currently some 135,000 US soldiers and 7,100 British soldiers serving in Iraq.
Both Bush and Blair said that supporting the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was central to efforts to help Iraq defend, govern and sustain itself. They both urged al-Maliki to do more to assert control and quell violence. Bush was asked whether he thought the study group suggested that he did not appreciate the extent of the violence in Iraq.
"It's bad in Iraq. That help?" retorted Bush." You know, in all due respect, I've been saying it a lot," Bush continued. "I understand how tough it is and have been telling the American people how tough it is. And they know how tough it is."
Another recommendation from the study group calls for enlisting diplomatic help from Iraq's neighbors, including Iran and Syria — not only to resolve problems in Iraq but to find an end to the long-running conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. One of the study group's central recommendations was for the administration to reach out to Syria and Iran for help in stabilizing Iraq, a course Bush has rejected in the past and confronted skeptically on Thursday.
"Countries that participate in talks must not fund terrorism, must help the young democracy survive, must help with the economics of the country," Bush said. "If people are not committed, if Syria and Iran is not committed to that concept, then they shouldn't bother to show up."
For his part, Blair suggested that Iran's support for Shiite militants in southern Iraq presented a problem. "Iran has been ... basically arming, supporting, financing terrorism," the visiting British leader said.
Blair said he welcomed the Baker-Hamilton report despite its depiction of a failed policy that both he and Bush had previously embraced.
"It offers a strong way forward. I think it is important now we concentrate on the elements that are necessary to make sure that we succeed — because the consequences of failure are severe," Blair said.
Bush appeared to endorse the bipartisan panel's conclusion that any resolution of the Iraq conflict is tied to reducing tensions between Israel and the Palestinians and across the broader Middle East — a position Blair has long held.
"It's a tough time and it’s a difficult moment for America and Great Britain and the task before us is daunting," Bush said as members of the bipartisan commission testified about their report on Capitol Hill.
Blair said the terrorists' threat in Iraq is part of an old pattern that is region-wide. Terrorism "has basically come out of the Middle East" and must be addressed in a way that includes a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, he said.
Commentary by Herb A Krantz
Finally our so called president has seen the light.
We are in trouble in Iraq. It is a no win war.
As far as I am concern it was a war caused by Bush, and only to get back because of the treats against he father’s life.
This president is either the dumbest person or the most arrogant person in modern political history of our time.
He said that he was disappointed in the way the war is going, but he did not have a plan going in! He just wanted to invade. He refuses to talk with Iran and Syria. If there is going to be any movement we have to deal with the devils,( I have no love for either of them especially being a Jewish American), Bush gave us no alternative. It’s time he realizes that.
He has two more years to deal with this problem. This problem will be around to be solving for the next ten presidents.
Bush will have to brake down and asks the United Nations for help, (even thought I think that origination should be dissolved). We can not do it all ourselves. We do not have the people power to keep it up without a draft and maybe not even then.
Bush still doesn’t seeing the whole picture when he said we are not going as fast as he hoped but still not as bad as what others say. He is waiting for other reports which will still be as bad as this one.
What the hell is this asshole waiting for? Every day he keeps his blinders on more of our troop's die in vain with no real purpose in there mission except to keep themselves alive.
Bush we can not leave these young men and woman dangling there while you scratch your head and decide what to do.
As I have said many times before give this war over to the military and let them fight this war. Maybe then we will have a chance of winning or accomplishing something.
Hire some retired general like Powel to handle the negations between all parties involved.
You need someone with respect of the USA and the world to achieve a successful end to this war.
Let’s face it there is no one here or overseas that really has a lot of faith or trust in you bush.
Your thoughts on my Commentary are welcome Please leave or email me. I will respond.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Affordable Shopping Mall
This is my vurtal Internet Shopping Mall. I soon will be adding other links to more shopping domains and links to different medical sites and donation links. Take look around at our discount pricing at your favorit stores.
The Buffons of the Middle East

The two buffoons on the middle East Mr. Maliki and Mr. Bush, as many news release call them. Neither one has earned the respect to be called by their title. Mr Maliki yesterday November 29.2006 had snubbed Mr. Bush by not showing for a Meeting...
Even though Bush is the asshole that happens to be running this country, how dare he do that! He not only disrespected Mr. Bush but he also snubbed the people of the United States of America since bush represents us. If it wasn’t for us Sadom would still be in Iraq and this war would not be going on. We would have had enough troops to put into Afghanistan and possible find and kill the Taliban who fled and maybe even Ben Laden, wouldn’t that of been nice. That still would not of stop the terrisum but it may have slowed it down a bit. It wouldn’t of given thousands of Arabs an excuse to join their ranks and hate America with the passion that they do now.
Don’t get me wrong I am not saying in any way that we should pull our troops out at this point, we have no choice now. But this is a war that should have never been started and now that it has these two mourns Have to figure out how to slow it down or stop it. That is a scary thought!!
I think we should take the politic out of this war and let the general figure out what to do, maybe then there would be some advancement on our side. This is what theses generals are trained for. Now it’s time to leave them alone and fight the war.
Herb A Krantz
Responses are welcome
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Lonely One
There is a slight stream of light shining through; soon it will disappear from view. I will fall into a deep sleep never to wake again.
Don’t cry for me; I am going to a place where I will never be hurt again.
A place where I will be an equal to everyone, not the odd one out.
My body will hurt no more.
I will be able to run and walk again freely once more.
A place where I will not have to play the games that are played by the living.
A place where everyone is at peace.
No competition with other just to gain respect.
I will no longer have to feel bad because I can not give you everything I would like.
Be at peace for me for I will be at peace finally within myself.
Goodbye and forgive me I must go.
The lonely one.
By Herb Krantz.
P.S. I wrote this after talking to someone about my cousin Alan. I can only imagine that his last thoughts were something like this. He had asked me when I saw him the Saturday of his death not to try and talk him out of dieing; he wanted to want to finally be at peace. Even though I could not help him I didn’t want him to die. I wasn’t giving up but it was time for him to go.
I guest we all will know when to through in the towel.
I miss you Buddy, Rest in Peace.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Ya We Won!!!!!
Now that we put this president in his place and show him that he is not the king of all us, what will happen now?
His first move was a brave but necessary move that should of been done months, shit years ago, but then again this president thinks he know best.
Last night Election night he found out just how wrong he was. It just goes to show you even moron’s like him, can finally get it through his brain (as small as it is), that he is there to govern all the people not just some. And what he thinks about some issues is not what the majority wants.
There is a new wind blowing in Washington hopefully it will be a
strong wind that will do the bidding of the people who gave it it’s
strength. Just because they are Democrats still does not guarantee
that they will do what the majority want.
So know that the election is over it’s our turn, each individual
person that voted to watch what this new breed does and vote
them out if they turn to be more of the same.
Let our voice be heard on every vote the cast. Let them know if you
are against or for what they are doing throughout the next 2-4-6
years before the next elections. Because politicians are politicians
no matter what color they wear.
After thought
Even though I do not fully agree with the war in Iraq, let not forget
why we got involved with going to the Middle East. No matter what we can not cut and run!!! We have done that to many times in recent history. If we do it this time it will be fatal not only for us but for the world to come. The terrorist will have won a major battle and eventually the war.
Herb A Krantz
Saturday, October 14, 2006
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
Peace in Israel

Peace in Israel is possible, but ultimately not through the force of arms.
The State of Israel may be 58 years old, but we are still fighting for our existence. We do not need the experts to tell us that this ceasefire is merely a respite; experience has taught us that lasting peace in the Middle East is a chimera.
The Declaration of Independence in 1948 defines the State of Israel as a Jewish country. No other country on earth is defined in terms of its religion. There are many countries where the majority of the population is Moslem or Christian, but a Christian has no right of return to England or France or the United States, nor will Egypt or Iran accept every Moslem. Every Jew, however, has the right of return and can become an Israeli citizen on demand. Why? Because Israel is the Jewish homeland and a place of refuge for world Jewry.
This is an inspiring concept, but it presents the Jewish people with an extremely challenging issue; how to define a Jew. It is absurd to call yourself a Jewish country if you have no clear idea of what being Jewish means, and yet that is precisely our situation.
To appreciate the problem from a Torah standpoint, we need some historical perspective.
At the time of the Exodus over 3,000 years ago, the world Jewish population stood at well over a million. All things being equal, the Jewish population today should be roughly equivalent to the Chinese; yet there are only 14 million Jews worldwide.
No doubt this enormous discrepancy is partially attributable to our blood drenched history, but most of the attrition in our numbers is the result of fallout. It took a lot of self-sacrifice to be Jewish throughout most of recorded history, and many Jews elected to drop out under compulsion or when the opportunity presented itself.
For example, in 1492 when the Jews of Spain were faced with the choice of conversion or expulsion, two thirds elected to convert rather than face exile. As the creation of the Inquisition attests, this conversion was no more than lip service, but over the course of generations these Jews disappeared entirely. Five hundred years down the road it is impossible to distinguish between the descendants of these conversos and ordinary Spaniards.
We owe the survival of the Jewish people and therefore by extension, the existence of the modern Jewish state, to the Jews who elected to remain in the fold throughout the ages and pay the cost of being Jewish in a hostile world. The most recent evidence of the enormous cost of being Jewish is the Holocaust, an unprecedented phenomenon in human history. Not that genocide is rare, but systematic genocide on such an enormous scale when there is no territorial dispute between the contending racial groups to trigger the violence has no historic parallel.
The Holocaust in particular has a special connection with the establishment of the modern State of Israel. The collective guilt and horror of the nations of the world at the immensity of the atrocity perpetrated against the Jewish people was the major factor behind the recognition granted by the international community to the nascent Jewish state. For a brief moment, the peoples of the world recognized the necessity of a Jewish refuge. The State of Israel was paid for with Jewish blood -- the blood of the six million victims of the Holocaust as well as all the Jewish blood spilled over the last 2,000 years.
The majority of Israelis are secular and perceive themselves as members of the developed world; the aspirations of the modern Israeli are more or less the same as the aspirations of Western Europeans or Americans. Walking around Haifa or Tel Aviv feels little different than walking around Manhattan, Los Angeles or Toronto. The cars and buildings are not as big, but the people look and feel the same except that the language is Hebrew instead of English.
Is this what all the bloodshed, suffering and self-sacrifice of the past 2,000 years were about? Is this an appropriate culmination of the mighty heritage of the Jewish people? Did the heroic Jews of history surrender their lives to preserve their faith and stubbornly cling to their unique Sinaic covenant so that their descendants could enjoy the "good life" in the Holy Land and recreate a Hebrew speaking version of New York?
Modern Israel is not the culmination of Jewish history. It may be a step toward the fulfillment of our destiny, but given the fact that there is nothing particularly Jewish about happily pursuing the "good life" sheltered and protected by the might of the Israeli army, it is clear that we have a long, long way to go before reaching end of Jewish history.
The Almighty has made a covenant and He will not allow Jewish destiny to slip into oblivion. If the present situation in Israel fails to justify the existence of a Jewish state, Divine Providence will by necessity react with a tailor-made response designed to deliver the clear message that the Jewish nation requires. Israel will not be allowed to simply live peacefully here in the Holy Land when a wake up call is in order.
World Jewry and in particular Israeli Jews will be forced to confront the issue of their Jewishness and to reflect on the significance of living in a Jewish country. We are compelled to face these issues existentially when we are forced to pay a price for being Jewish in a Jewish country.
Jews are an extraordinary people. When I encounter non-Jews, I always attempt to enquire if they have any idea how many Jews there are in the world. The general response is hundreds of millions. This makes sense to me. Who could really believe that a people who are less than one percent of the world population could accomplish so much? Jews have won 30 percent of the Nobel prizes in science since they were awarded. Much of the intellectual progress made in the 20th century was fueled by the ideas of three Jewish thinkers: Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx.
Jews are an appreciable percentage of the intelligentsia of the developed world; they are doctors, lawyers, professors, writers etc. out of all proportion to their numbers. In prestigious universities they are a large percentage of the student body. Jews are at the forefront of all movements for social justice, and despite their relatively tiny numbers are responsible for a lot of the philanthropy in the Western world. They have managed to rebuild the Jewish state after a 2,000 year hiatus and to revive a dead language, both unprecedented accomplishments in the annals of human history.
Jews themselves are the only people in the world who do not realize how special they are. The desire to fit in and be like everyone else prevents them from focusing on the significance of their Jewishness and reaching clarity about what being a Jew means. There is little urgency in defining a Jew if Jews are identical to other people anyway. They need to be reminded that they have a unique historic mission which sets them apart, and it is essential to their security and well being to understand this mission and define it clearly. Divine Providence will present them with thought-provoking stimuli whenever they show signs of ignoring their Jewishness and abandoning their mission.
There is no question that a terrorist is fully accountable for his evil acts. It goes without saying that anyone who commits indiscriminate horrors in God's name will ultimately suffer due retribution. In addition to this fact, let us touch on the behind-the-scenes workings of Divine Providence that transcend the willing agents of destruction.
The suicide bomber who blows up a bus and the Hezbollah terrorist who aims his Katyusha rockets at innocent people with the declared intent of killing as many Jews as possible are powerful spiritual stimuli. They force Israelis to confront the existential issue of their Judaism. Why us? Why is it our fate to suffer bloodshed no matter how reasonable we try to be and no matter how many withdrawals we make? Why is it necessary in today's world, where civil rights have finally become entrenched in all developed countries, to maintain a Jewish enclave in the Middle East at such great cost? If we are really no different than other people, why is it worth sacrificing our children's lives to maintain a Jewish State? Perhaps we would be better off in the U.S. or Europe?
God will not let us ignore the question. The Jewish people signed a solemn agreement with God to be a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation". This undertaking is our social contract; it defines our place in the world as God's representatives. And this is especially true about the Land of Israel. The Almighty's promise to Abraham to deliver the land to his children is clearly conditional on their observance of their covenant with God. For I have loved him, because he commands his children and his household after him that they keep the way of God, doing charity and justice, in order that God might then bring upon Abraham that which he had spoken about (Genesis 18,19).
Peace in Israel is possible, but ultimately not through the force of arms. Our forefathers who were driven out of Israel twice knew this well, and Divine Providence treated them with greater severity then it treats us. Instead of sending them a wake-up call, Divine Providence banished them altogether.
In contrast, the typical modern Israeli is ignorant of the need to hold on to the Covenant of Abraham in order to hold on to his country. Providence will not banish him; it will provide him with stimuli to prompt a series of soul-searching questions that if taken to heart, could provoke genuine change.
This is no doubt painful, but the thrust is entirely benevolent. In Jewish thought ignorance is never bliss and the acquisition of knowledge is always painful. But through the workings of Providence, the Jewish people are learning. When the lesson is fully internalized there will be lasting peace.
This article can also be read at:
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Alan's Staller final story-Rest in peace-
My cousin Allen Staller who has become a paraplegic in August 2005. He was wadding in the Atlantic Ocean down at Atlantic City. It was his first vacation in years. Little did he know that it would be his last?
The under toe was strong that day, there was a storm further down the cost. He was hit by a small wave that knock him down, while he tried to get up a stronger and larger wave hit him knocking him down again. It would be that last time he would get to his feet. For those who are around the Philadelphia area, he is now in Moss Rehabilitation center trying to get his upper body movement back aging so he could at least feed himself and get around in a wheelchair. He is doing better but has a long and expensive way to go. In the future I would like to add a link for tax free donation not just for him but for all people with spaniel injuries.
Please be careful when you or your love one's go into rough waters, I would not like to see any person or family go through what Allen is going through now just because of a wave.
The story as Allen tells it
I was injured in an accident on August 2, 2005. While at the shore in Atlantic City, I was hit by a wave from behind as I stood knee deep in the ocean water. The impact of a second wave flipped me and threw me to the bottom where I hit the bridge of his nose.
On impact I was immediately paralyzed while face down in the water. A nearby man pulled me out of the water which saved me from drowning. On Sunday. August 7, I went into respiratory difficulty as well as full paralysis due to swelling around the spinal cord. An emergency tracheotomy was done bedside, and I was placed on a respirator.
My brother had me transferred to Jefferson University Medical center from the Atlantic City Hospital on August 8, 2005. After an immediate MRI, the diagnosis of torn anterior ligaments between C4 and CS with a partial subjugation (dislocation) of the spinal cord was made. The next day I was taken into surgery where a surgical tracheotomy and posterior fusion of the cord was completed. The following week the fusion was again done, this time from the anterior area. I remained at Jefferson Hospital i9n Philadelphia for approximately 8 weeks before being transferred to Magee Rehabilitation. After a few days there I was rushed back to Jefferson with a urinary tract infection and pneumonia. I remained at Jefferson for approximately 3 more weeks. as his bed at Magee was utilized for someone else after 2 weeks had passed.
In Early December, I again went to Magee Rehabilitation for therapy. I remained there until late January when his insurance would no longer cover it due to the lack of progress being made by me. In December an application for Inglis House was submitted. This is a long term care facility which specializes in wheelchair bound individuals. There they train the people to make the most use they can of their limbs. as well as give intensive therapy to help them regain as much use of their extremities as is possible. This enables them to become functioning individuals whenever possible. Unfortunately the waiting list for this facility is 12 to 15 months long.
Since I could not get in at this time, the social worker at Magee found placement at Andorra Woods Healthcare Facility. They have done their best with me to their ability but they do not have the technical expertise or physical facilities to help me. It is a nursing home not a Rehabilitation facility.
In conclusion
This is the plight of many people who become paraplegic. There is no help for them even with insurance. Steam cell may help them in the future but they need help now! My cousin was a healthy strong 54 year old man, now he lives in pain every day of his life. He depends upon others strangers to help him do everything but this does not have to be.
Herb A Krantz
Help him and others give to the Christopher Reeves Foundation.
P.S. As this is being written my cousin Allen was rushed to the Hospital again for the fifth time with a height fever of 102. He has another infection in his body form just laying around.
Alan staller Died on June 24, 2006 almost a year after his accident.
Her fought the good fight but gave up in the end. This was his wish no longer to go thought the pain he lived with every day. The infection that would ravish his body ever few months because no one was working with him and giving him the physical therapy he needed.
I have tried to go to Senator’s and other political entities and agencies just to be told sorry there is no help. If Alan had money or political clout there would have been plenty of help.
Alan leaves behind a lot of friends, 1 son, brother, sister, cousins, aunts, uncles who love him and will miss his humor, and smile.
Alan had a hard life but made the best of it.
Me Herb Krantz I will miss Alan a lot and I am sorry Alan that I could accomplish what I set out to do for you.
We all love you and will miss you dearly.
Rest in peace dear Alan.
If you are tired of the way people who are paralyzed get treated by our medical and government agencies. If you believe in Stem cell reach could help the people like Alan and Christopher Reeve’s. Let stand up for the people who can’t stand for themselves. Give to Christopher Reeve’s foundation. Link below.
Let’s get a movement started to help people who really can’t help themselves. If you agree call me at 215 -283-9655
or sent a letter to
Herb Krantz
P.O. Box 608
Dresher Pa 19025
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
KC Promotions Abstract Affordable Art

To see more of our Abstract art click link below or cut and past
A Marriage of Pain,The Tragedy of Spousal Abuse
- M.K. lives in California with her husband and four children.
Commentary By Herb Krantz
I could never understand why woman stay with men like this. Talking to a very close friend of mine I now can see how a person can grab full controll over someone else especialy with fear.
The thing that grabs my ass is that there are so many of use nice guys outthere and no one gives us a second look. I was brought up to respect woman and family. Hitting a woman was not heard of. You as woman should not except this type of behavior. Not even once
Monday, June 05, 2006
Insights into life, ideas for personal growth

Insights into life, ideas for personal growth
For the Torah Portion in Israel, please Cut and past link:
GOOD MORNING! We just finished celebrating Shavuos and the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. For the past several thousand years the vast majority of Jews - and the majority of the world's non-Jewish population - believed that God gave the Torah to the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai 3,318 years ago. Almost the totality of Jews during this time believed that God dictated the Torah to Moshe who wrote it down word for word, letter for letter. This means that what is written in the Torah is precise and meant to convey a specific meaning.
The Torah is an instruction book for life. We study it and the commentaries, particularly the Mishna and Gemara, to understand those lessons. Though we read the portion from Yisro in the Book of Exodus about the giving of the Ten Commandments, the giving of the Ten Commandments is also told in the portion of Va'etchanan in the Book of Deuteronomy. It is fascinating to note that there are many differences in the wording of the Ten Commandments in the two sections. Sloppy editor? Not if you believe that God dictated the Torah and that Moses wrote it down exactly word for word, letter for letter. So, what can we learn from these differences?
The following compares the differences regarding the Commandment of Shabbat. It is adapted from a piece originally written by my friend and Aish colleague, Rabbi Shraga Simmons. Note the differences in the two sections which I have CAPITALIZED.
In the Book of Exodus (chapter 20, verse 9) the Commandment is stated:
"REMEMBER the Day of Shabbat to sanctify it. Six days you should work, and do all of your craftsman-type-work. And the Seventh Day, should be a Shabbat to the Almighty your God, you should not do any craftsman-type-work you, your son, your daughter, your servant, your maidservant, YOUR ANIMAL, or your convert that is in your gates. BECAUSE SIX DAYS THE ALMIGHTY CREATED THE HEAVENS AND EARTH, SEA AND ALL THAT IS IN IT, AND HE RESTED ON THE SEVENTH DAY, therefore the ALMIGHTY BLESSED THE SHABBAT AND MADE IT HOLY."
In the Book of Deuteronomy (chapter 5, verse 12) the Commandment is stated:
"OBSERVE the Day of Shabbat to sanctify it, LIKE THAT THE ALMIGHTY YOUR GOD COMMANDED YOU. Six days you should word and do all of your craftsman-type work. And the Seventh Day, should be a Shabbat to the Almighty your God. You should not do any craftsman-type-work you, your son, your daughter, your servant, your maidservant, YOUR OX, YOUR DONKEY, AND ALL YOUR ANIMALS, and your convert that is in your gates, FOR THE SAKE THAT HE SHOULD REST YOUR SERVANT AND HAND MAID LIKE YOU. YOU SHOULD REMEMBER BECAUSE YOU WERE SLAVES IN EGYPT, AND THE ALMIGHTY YOUR GoD TOOK YOU OUT FROM THERE WITH A STRONG HAND AND OUTSTRETCHED ARM, THEREFORE, THE ALMIGHTY YOUR GOD COMMANDED YOU TO DO THE DAY OF SHABBAT."
Here are explanations of two differences:
The commandment to REMEMBER means that one should remember Shabbat throughout the week. Buying something special for Shabbat can fulfill this commandment. Also, the Song of the Day, which is part of the morning service, also fulfills this commandment seeing that its introduction always mentions Shabbat. Even merely reciting the day of the week in Hebrew can fulfill this commandment since the name of the days in Hebrew are "First Day", "Second Day", "Third Day" ... as they count towards the Shabbat!
The mitzvah of REMEMBERING also includes the positive commandments of the day - to make Kiddush, have special meals. The word "OBSERVE" means to not transgress the prohibitions forbidden on the Sabbath - i.e., lighting a fire. (There are 39 Categories of Creative Acts which one refrains on Shabbat.)
The Torah tells us in Exodus that we should keep Shabbat as a testimony to God's creation of the world. In Deuteronomy it says we should keep Shabbat because God took us out from Egypt.
If a person were to keep Shabbat only because God created the world, he would miss an important point - that God didn't merely create the world and step out of the picture. God has a personal relationship with every human being and constantly involves Himself with the world that He created.
Keeping Shabbat because God took us out of Egypt, is testimony that God is involved in our lives. That is because God stated, "I took you out of Egypt to be your God" (Numbers 15:41). In other words, "I TOOK YOU OUT OF EGYPT on condition that we should have a relationship. You will be My nation and I will BE YOUR GOD." God not only created the world, but has a living relationship with us.
If you are interested in learning more about Shabbat, read "Sabbath Day of Eternity," by Aryeh Kaplan (published by Moznaim.) If you are interested in the evidence that God dictated the Torah to Moses who faithfully transcribed it, read Permission to Receive by Lawrence Kelemen (you might as well order Permission to Believe by Kelemen, too. It gives the evidence for God's existence.) Available at your local Jewish bookstore, at or by calling toll-free to 877-758-3242.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
The best play in baseball
It’s funny how something that happens 25 years ago would reflect on what happened in the future. This video is very worth while watching. Cut and paste this link into your address bar and hit go.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
A Movie For Memorial Day, to Support Our Troops
Click on link or cut and past link into your Address bar and hit go.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The Story Of Shavuot-The revelation at Sinai

On the first of Sivan, the first day of the third month after the exodus from Egypt, the children of Israel reached the desert of Sinai and camped near the mountain.
During the few weeks of traveling in the desert under Divine protection, with daily miracles, such as the manna and the quail, the miraculous sweetening of the water, the defeat of Amalek, and the crossing of the Red Sea, the Jewish people had become more and more conscious of G-d.
Their faith grew more intense daily, until they attained a standard of holiness, solidarity and unity, never achieved before or after by any other nation. Moses ascended Mount Sinai, and G-d spoke to him the following words: "Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel: 'Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto Myself. Now, therefore, if ye will hearken unto My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then ye shall be Mine own treasure from among all peoples; for all the earth is Mine; and ye shall be unto Me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.'" Moses returned from Sinai and called for the elders of the people and put all these words of G-d before them. Unanimously, with one voice and one mind, the people answered: Naaseh Venishma, "Everything G-d has said, we shall do."
Thus they accepted the Torah outright, with all its precepts, not even asking for a detailed enumeration of the obligations and duties it involved.When Israel had voiced its eagerness to receive the Torah, G-d spoke to Moses again: "Go unto the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments, and be ready against the third day; for on the third day the L-rd will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai. And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about saying: Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up onto the Mount, or touch the border of it; whatsoever toucheth the Mount shall surely die."
The Revelation at Sinai
The dawn of the third day broke amid thunder and lightning that filled the air. Heavy clouds hung over the mountain, and the steadily growing sounds of the Shofar made the people shake and tremble with fear. Moses led the children of Israel out of the camp and placed them at the foot of Mount Sinai, which was all covered by smoke and was quaking, for G-d had descended upon it in fire. The sound of the Shofar grew louder, but suddenly all sounds ceased, and an absolute silence ensued; and then G-d proclaimed the Ten Commandments as follows: 1. "I am the Lord thy G-d, Who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 2. "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy G-d am a jealous G-d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments. 3. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy G-d in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. 4. "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the Lord thy G-d, in it thou shalt not do any manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath Day, and hallowed it. 5. "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy G-d giveth thee. 6. "Thou shalt not murder. 7. "Thou shalt not commit adultery. 8. "Thou shalt not steal. 9. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 10. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's
Moses Receives the Torah
The entire people heard the words of G-d, and they became frightened. They begged Moses to be the intermediary between G-d and them, for if G-d Himself would continue to give them the entire Torah, they would surely die. Moses told them not to be afraid, for G-d had revealed Himself to them so that they would fear Him and not sin. Then G-d asked Moses to ascend the mountain; for he alone was able to stand in the presence of G-d. There Moses was to receive the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments and the entire Torah, to teach it to the children of Israel.
Moses went up the mountain and stayed there forty days and forty nights, without food or sleep, for he had become like an angel. During this time, G-d revealed to Moses the entire Torah, with all its laws and the interpretations thereof.
Finally, G-d gave Moses the two stone Tables of Testimony, containing the Ten Commandments, written by G-d Himself.
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Through 2,000 years of exile, Jews from four corners of the world always turned in prayer toward Jerusalem. What memory were they so eager to preserve?
Jerusalem has no strategic signifigance. It has no commercial or industrial importance, and it is not a cultural center.
How has this ancient city, unimportant as it appears, crept to the heart of contention between Israel and the Palestinians over the future of the land of Israel? Why should we care what happens to Jerusalem?
We need to begin by understanding the importance of memory. Memory isn't history or dead memorabilia. By defining the past memory creates the present. Repression of memory creates mental disease. Health comes from memory's recovery. Dictators consolidate power by altering memory. Stalin airbrushed Trotsky and Bukharin out of photographs. Revisionists deny the Holocaust ever happened. Why does it matter?
In Hebrew, the word for man is "zachar." The word for memory is "zecher." Man is memory. People who suffer memory loss through illness or accident don't just misplace their keys. They lose their selves. They become lost and adrift in time, because without memory, the current moment has no context, and no meaning.
When the Jews were first exiled from Jerusalem, King David said, "If I forget you Jerusalem, let my right hand lose its strength. Let my tongue cling to my palate if I fail to recall you, if I fail to elevate Jerusalem above my highest joy." The memory of Jerusalem somehow is linked to our current vigor as a people. But how? What is the memory of Jerusalem, and what does it contribute to who we are?
The memory of Jerusalem somehow is linked to our current vigor as a people
London comes from a Celtic word which means "a wild and wooded town." Cairo is an anglicized version of the Arab name for Mars, the Roman god of war. Paris is named for the Paris of Greek myth, who was asked by the gods to choose between love, wisdom, and power. He chose love - the love of Helen of Troy.
The Talmud says Jerusalem was named by God. The name has two parts: Yira, which means "to see," and shalem, which means "peace."
Jerusalem was the place of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, and Abraham said of Jerusalem, "This is the place where God is seen."
Elsewhere, God is a theory, but in Jerusalem, God is seen, and felt, as a tangible presence. In Jerusalem we reach beyond the frailty and vulnerability of our lives, and we sense and strive for transcendence. Elsewhere we grope for insight. In Jerusalem we anticipate clarity. Paris may be for lovers, but Jerusalem is for visionaries.
In Jerusalem, God is seen, and felt, as a tangible presence.
Jerusalem is a metaphor for a perfected world, and it gives us perspective on our lives. When Aldous Huxley said, "we have each of us our Jerusalem," he meant much more than a temporal city of taxi cabs and traffic jams. He meant a vision of what life might be.
The vision of life's promise is one we surrender at our peril, because it gives us the will to live. In exile for two thousand years Jews said "Next year in Jerusalem," and amidst poverty and oppression they preserved the dream of a world in which love and justice, not power and self-interest, would be the currency men live by.
Part of the name Jerusalem is "vision." The other part of the name is peace, but the peace of Jerusalem is not the absence of strife. Jerusalem has rarely known anything but strife. The peace of Jerusalem is the peace at the center of the spokes of a wheel, where opposing forces may be delicately balanced and reconciled.
The Talmud says that creation began in Jerusalem, and the world radiated outward from this place. Medieval maps show Jerusalem at the epicenter of Asia, Europe, and Africa. The world flows into this spot, and all life's forces resonate here. From this place, the whole world is cast into perspective.
Jerusalem, the center, which gives perspective to the rest of the world. Jerusalem where God is seen. Jerusalem the perfected world. Humanity has long understood that he who controls Jerusalem controls the world's memory. He controls the way God is seen. He controls the way life's forces are cast into perspective. He controls the way we collectively see our future.
Once the Temple Mount was the highest point in the city of Jerusalem, but in the year 135, Roman slaves carried away the dirt of the mountain, and turned it into the valley we now look down on from the Old City. The Romans expelled Jews from Jerusalem and barred them from reentering on pain of death. Jewish life, they proclaimed, has now ended.
The Crusaders rewrote Jerusalem's importance, the center no longer of Jewish national drama, but the site of the passion and death of Jesus. Like the Romans they expelled Jews, and destroyed synagogues.
The Moslems came after, and as those before them rewrote the memory of Jerusalem, expelling Jews and Christian. They systematically built mosques on every Jewish holy site. They airbrushed the past.
In rewriting the history of Jerusalem each of these cultures rewrote our place, the Jewish place, in history. They consigned us, they believed, to the dust bin of history -- a once great people, now abandoned by God; bypassed by time.
In rewriting the history of Jerusalem each of these cultures rewrote our place, the Jewish place, in history.

But Jews preserved Jerusalem as a memory. When we built our houses we left a square unplastered, and we broke a glass at weddings in memory of Jerusalem. From all over the world we turned and prayed toward Jerusalem, and because memory was kept alive, the Jewish people lived.
When Jerusalem was liberated, time was conflated. The past became present. What we had longed for became ours. What we had dreamed of became real, and soldiers wept because an adolescent Mediterranean country suddenly recovered a memory lost for 2000 years. The past was instantly present, incredibly, transcendently, transforming who we knew ourselves to be.
Who are we? We are not despised and impoverished itinerants, surviving on the fickle goodwill of other nations. We are not a nation of farmers recovering swamps, nor of warriors - though when we need to be we are all these things.
We are a nation of priests and of prophets, a light unto mankind. We taught the world "to beat their swords into plowshares," "to love your neighbor as yourself," equality before justice, and that admiration belongs not to the rich and powerful, but to the good, the wise, and the kind. Hitler said, "The Jews have inflicted two wounds on humanity: Circumcision on the body and conscience on the soul." How right he was and how much more we have to do. How tragic when we fail ourselves.
Already divided by language, by geography, and even by religion, our people is bound only by threads of memory and of hope. These threads are exquisitely fragile. If they sever we will fragment, and the long and bitter exile of our people - not yet fully ended, is consequence, says the Talmud, of the dissentions which sunder us from one another.
To this threat, Jerusalem provides counterpoint, for Jerusalem embodies our memories and hopes. Jerusalem is a living memory, a vision of God in our lives, an image of a perfected world. Jerusalem gives us the strength to achieve what we as a people must do, to unite ourselves, and to sanctify this world. This is why Jerusalem matters.
Published: Wednesday, October 04, 2000
By Rabbi Nachum Braverman