The truth and nothing but the truth By Tazman-Herb A Krantz: Virtual cinema of The Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
VIDEO: Nissan ad turns Qashqai into skateboard
VIDEO: Nissan ad turns Qashqai into skateboard: "Filed under: Videos, Crossovers/CUVs, NissanNissan's really thinking outside the box with advertising for its new Qashqai crossover. Turning it into a giant skateboard for an unseen giant operator, they portray a Nissan as athletic equipment. With an oddly soothing soundtrack making the sights seem so natural, the Qashqai does things that no vehicle is capable of. But that's not the point really. The ad is showing us how the CUV will tackle anything the urban jungle can throw at it and provide some youthful thrills in the process. Just like a few years ago when potential buyers were doing ollies and following the X Games more closely than the stock market. Just because you're getting older doesn't mean you have to grow up. Very clever and very slick. Follow the jump to see the whole ad via YouTube.[Source: YouTube] Continue reading VIDEO: Nissan ad turns Qashqai into skateboard Read Permalink Email this Comments BOLD MOVES: THE FUTURE OF FORD A new documentary series. Be part of the transformation as it happens in real-tim"
Vise President Chaney Close Call / Oh Shucks

Not that I want any harm to come to Chaney but maybe he will see what is really going on over there and come out of his dream state, that everything is going well.
Maybe reality will sink in? I think not. He has convinced himself that everything is going right on plan. He was asked by a news man how he felt about the attack on his life. He responded that they are trying to question the real authority. Who was he speaking about Hamid Karzai or himself? Even if they would have killed him we still have to put up with the idiot in the white house. The true tragedy is that 23 people had to die and 20 more were injured. They weren’t rushed into a bomb shelter; they took the blast for him. I wonder if he thinks about those poor souls?
By Herb A Krantz
I have posted my discount shopping website. 40% of the profits will go to the charities listed on the site. You get great bargains while giving to charity.
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Dumb and Dumber

Bush & Chaney Dumb and Dumber
Bush and Chaney to peas in a pod one is dumb and the other is dumber. Which one is which I couldn’t tell you, or maybe they think that we are the dumb ones, especially when our biggest allied support over in Iraq will be pulling one third of there troops out soon.
I don’t know how Chaney or bush can say that this is a good thing.
The British didn’t have a hell of a lot of troops over there to begin with and pretty soon they will have none. The real slap in the face is they were in south Iraq were there was little or no danger or fighting. The rest of the so called countries that are there with there 300 and 400 troops, so what let them go home, it sure as hell will not make a difference in the balance of power.
As we are increasing our troops the British’s are cutting and running. It’s that what they say about the French? As I have said many times before if we can’t get the support of our so called alias let give them no option but to help or loose our support and money. Like Japan, Germany, let’s pull our troops. Stop supporting the World Bank and demand our loans to other countries be paid in full at once. Pull our troops out of all other counties and ship them to Afghanistan and Iraq. Let used our strength as a supper power, and if no one else will fight the terrorist we will have to alone however when they bomb others countries let us just stand there and scratch our heads and let them Handel it .
Again I have to express that this terrorist problem is a world wide problem and the world can not afford to turn there fact away as they have done in the past.
Bush and Chaney must face up to the fact that we are not bomb enough to believe the ridiculous statement that Chaney has uttered. It is not a good thing that our allies are abandoning us in our time of need and there’s. It is time the President and Vise President start telling us and the world the truth.
I do not agree that the Iraq war was necessary to start but we are there and know we have no choice but to make sure that we do not make another mistake that will change the world and not in a good way. This is a battle that will last for years to come, maybe not in Iraq but in Europe and Asia and here.
I do not agree with Bush and this war but Bush has perpetuated this war. I do agree the we must win at all cost.
Herb A Krantz
I have created a discount shopping internet mall that donates 40% of profit to the charities listed
Please click and enjoy shopping while giving to charity.
Home Shopping Center Mall (Affordable Shopping Mall)
AAA Vacations Plus
Bush and Chaney to peas in a pod one is dumb and the other is dumber. Which one is which I couldn’t tell you, or maybe they think that we are the dumb ones, especially when our biggest allied support over in Iraq will be pulling one third of there troops out soon.
I don’t know how Chaney or bush can say that this is a good thing.
The British didn’t have a hell of a lot of troops over there to begin with and pretty soon they will have none. The real slap in the face is they were in south Iraq were there was little or no danger or fighting. The rest of the so called countries that are there with there 300 and 400 troops, so what let them go home, it sure as hell will not make a difference in the balance of power.
As we are increasing our troops the British’s are cutting and running. It’s that what they say about the French? As I have said many times before if we can’t get the support of our so called alias let give them no option but to help or loose our support and money. Like Japan, Germany, let’s pull our troops. Stop supporting the World Bank and demand our loans to other countries be paid in full at once. Pull our troops out of all other counties and ship them to Afghanistan and Iraq. Let used our strength as a supper power, and if no one else will fight the terrorist we will have to alone however when they bomb others countries let us just stand there and scratch our heads and let them Handel it .
Again I have to express that this terrorist problem is a world wide problem and the world can not afford to turn there fact away as they have done in the past.
Bush and Chaney must face up to the fact that we are not bomb enough to believe the ridiculous statement that Chaney has uttered. It is not a good thing that our allies are abandoning us in our time of need and there’s. It is time the President and Vise President start telling us and the world the truth.
I do not agree that the Iraq war was necessary to start but we are there and know we have no choice but to make sure that we do not make another mistake that will change the world and not in a good way. This is a battle that will last for years to come, maybe not in Iraq but in Europe and Asia and here.
I do not agree with Bush and this war but Bush has perpetuated this war. I do agree the we must win at all cost.
Herb A Krantz
I have created a discount shopping internet mall that donates 40% of profit to the charities listed
Please click and enjoy shopping while giving to charity.
Home Shopping Center Mall (Affordable Shopping Mall)
AAA Vacations Plus
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Bushes Israeli and Palestinians policy
Bushes Israeli and Palestinians policy
Posted on the New York times Website
Rice Faces an Uphill Battle for a Mildest Breakthrough
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 — On a chilly Saturday morning late last year, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the Israeli foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, sat down alone in Ms. Rice’s apartment at the Watergate here and hashed out a plan.
It was an ambitious one. To jump-start Arab-Israeli peace, Ms. Rice would encourage Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel to start talks with the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, leap-frogging interim details and squabbles, and instead trying to define the big “final status” issues of a Palestinian state, which have bedeviled peace negotiators since the Camp David accords of 1979.
“It’s important to start sketching out broader political issues,” Ms. Rice said Thursday in a group interview with newspaper correspondents at the State Department.
To some extent, the approach turned the clock back to the closing days of the Clinton administration, when a push toward a final settlement expired. Since then, the Bush administration has engaged the peace effort in fits and starts, and none of the paths has led far.
On Monday, Ms. Rice, Mr. Olmert and Mr. Abbas are scheduled to sit down in Jerusalem, ostensibly to discuss what Ms. Rice calls horizon issues: the fate of Jerusalem, the borders of a Palestinian state and the question of the treatment of Palestinian refugees.
But the timing could not be worse, American, Israeli and some Palestinian officials said. “If you invited a man from Mars down and asked him, ‘Is this the moment to go for a breakthrough?’ the answer would be categorically ‘No,’ ” said Aaron David Miller, a scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center who was a senior adviser for Arab-Israeli relations at the State Department under the last three presidents.
“What she’s got going for her is that expectations of her success have plunged lower than the Dead Sea,” said David Makovsky, a Middle East expert with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. And that, he said, “might actually help her.”
Prospects for any real breakthrough were already bleak two months ago, when Ms. Rice and Ms. Livni came up with their proposal. The Palestinian government was controlled by Hamas, which preaches Israel’s destruction. Mr. Olmert’s approval ratings were as bad as, if not worse, than those of President Bush. There was factional strife in Gaza, to the south, and turmoil in Lebanon, to the north.
Last week, one more giant obstacle emerged: a national unity government of Fatah and Hamas leaders that was worked out in talks brokered by Saudi Arabia in Mecca.
Bush administration officials, publicly lukewarm about the agreement, were angry with Mr. Abbas. They say the pact brings him closer to Hamas instead of bringing Hamas, which America views as a terrorist organization, closer to Mr. Abbas, who is seen as far more moderate.
In her session with reporters on Thursday, Ms. Rice said the task of negotiations had become “obviously more complicated because of the uncertainties surrounding the national unity government,” and that the Bush administration would “await the formation of that government before we make any decisions about it.”
The Bush administration, along with Israel and several European countries, wants the new Palestinian government to meet three benchmarks for normal relations: recognize the right of Israel to exist, forswear violence and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian accords. The Mecca accord does not address the first two benchmarks. The Palestinians argued that the three benchmarks were met implicitly, though the accord does not mention Israel.
While Ms. Rice was angry about the Mecca deal, she said that she would nonetheless go ahead with the planned summit, Arab and American officials said. But she has warned Mr. Abbas that the United States would deal only with Palestinian government ministers who explicitly agreed to the three conditions, the officials said.
So what was supposed to be a summit that shored up Mr. Abbas in the eyes of the Palestinian people by discussing a future Palestinian state may now downgrade to one in which Mr. Abbas spends his time trying to defend the Mecca deal and convince the United States and Israel that he has not sold out to Hamas.
Both Mr. Abbas, who is also known as Abu Mazen, and Mr. Olmert are politically weak, making compromise tricky. “If Olmert agrees to talk about Jerusalem, someone could threaten to leave his government,” said Martin S. Indyk, the United States ambassador to Israel in the Clinton administration. “If Abu Mazen talks about giving up the right of return, Hamas would condemn him for betraying the cause.” He was referring to giving Palestinian refugees the right to return to lands they left in 1948.
Still, Mr. Indyk, who is now the director of the Brookings Saban Center for Middle East Policy, said the Bush administration had let Arab-Israeli peace talks go untended for too long. Ms. Rice, he said, “deserves full support for trying, and she deserves to be given a chance and some rope and leeway to try to make this work.”
Thom Shanker contributed reporting.
Commentary Herb A Krantz
As usual Bush shows how little he knows about the Middle East. Not only is it a bad time to even thinks about starting talks with Israel and the Palestinians but he is sending Condoleezza Rice there again. Most Arabs will not take it seriously when dealing with a woman. Women hold very little importance in their society.
Also Hamas and Fatah leaders walked out of a meeting last week brokered by Saudi Arabia. Both leaders would like to destroy Israel not make peace. Bush has let the Israeli-Palestinian question go unanswered for to long besides the point we the USA do not hold the respect that we once did. We are not the peace brokers that we once were, after we invaded Iraq. At this point in time Bush has painted us in the eyes of the world as being stuck in a box that we can’t find our way out of.
It used to be when we Spoke the world would listen, know they all look the other way. Thanks to you Mr. Bush.
I have placed my Charity discount shopping mall link below.
It was started to donate 40% of profits to the charities listed on the site. I have also placed my blog on that sit. Read Alan’s story and you will find out why I have done this. Shop and save while you give to Charity.
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Posted on the New York times Website
Rice Faces an Uphill Battle for a Mildest Breakthrough
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 — On a chilly Saturday morning late last year, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the Israeli foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, sat down alone in Ms. Rice’s apartment at the Watergate here and hashed out a plan.
It was an ambitious one. To jump-start Arab-Israeli peace, Ms. Rice would encourage Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel to start talks with the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, leap-frogging interim details and squabbles, and instead trying to define the big “final status” issues of a Palestinian state, which have bedeviled peace negotiators since the Camp David accords of 1979.
“It’s important to start sketching out broader political issues,” Ms. Rice said Thursday in a group interview with newspaper correspondents at the State Department.
To some extent, the approach turned the clock back to the closing days of the Clinton administration, when a push toward a final settlement expired. Since then, the Bush administration has engaged the peace effort in fits and starts, and none of the paths has led far.
On Monday, Ms. Rice, Mr. Olmert and Mr. Abbas are scheduled to sit down in Jerusalem, ostensibly to discuss what Ms. Rice calls horizon issues: the fate of Jerusalem, the borders of a Palestinian state and the question of the treatment of Palestinian refugees.
But the timing could not be worse, American, Israeli and some Palestinian officials said. “If you invited a man from Mars down and asked him, ‘Is this the moment to go for a breakthrough?’ the answer would be categorically ‘No,’ ” said Aaron David Miller, a scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center who was a senior adviser for Arab-Israeli relations at the State Department under the last three presidents.
“What she’s got going for her is that expectations of her success have plunged lower than the Dead Sea,” said David Makovsky, a Middle East expert with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. And that, he said, “might actually help her.”
Prospects for any real breakthrough were already bleak two months ago, when Ms. Rice and Ms. Livni came up with their proposal. The Palestinian government was controlled by Hamas, which preaches Israel’s destruction. Mr. Olmert’s approval ratings were as bad as, if not worse, than those of President Bush. There was factional strife in Gaza, to the south, and turmoil in Lebanon, to the north.
Last week, one more giant obstacle emerged: a national unity government of Fatah and Hamas leaders that was worked out in talks brokered by Saudi Arabia in Mecca.
Bush administration officials, publicly lukewarm about the agreement, were angry with Mr. Abbas. They say the pact brings him closer to Hamas instead of bringing Hamas, which America views as a terrorist organization, closer to Mr. Abbas, who is seen as far more moderate.
In her session with reporters on Thursday, Ms. Rice said the task of negotiations had become “obviously more complicated because of the uncertainties surrounding the national unity government,” and that the Bush administration would “await the formation of that government before we make any decisions about it.”
The Bush administration, along with Israel and several European countries, wants the new Palestinian government to meet three benchmarks for normal relations: recognize the right of Israel to exist, forswear violence and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian accords. The Mecca accord does not address the first two benchmarks. The Palestinians argued that the three benchmarks were met implicitly, though the accord does not mention Israel.
While Ms. Rice was angry about the Mecca deal, she said that she would nonetheless go ahead with the planned summit, Arab and American officials said. But she has warned Mr. Abbas that the United States would deal only with Palestinian government ministers who explicitly agreed to the three conditions, the officials said.
So what was supposed to be a summit that shored up Mr. Abbas in the eyes of the Palestinian people by discussing a future Palestinian state may now downgrade to one in which Mr. Abbas spends his time trying to defend the Mecca deal and convince the United States and Israel that he has not sold out to Hamas.
Both Mr. Abbas, who is also known as Abu Mazen, and Mr. Olmert are politically weak, making compromise tricky. “If Olmert agrees to talk about Jerusalem, someone could threaten to leave his government,” said Martin S. Indyk, the United States ambassador to Israel in the Clinton administration. “If Abu Mazen talks about giving up the right of return, Hamas would condemn him for betraying the cause.” He was referring to giving Palestinian refugees the right to return to lands they left in 1948.
Still, Mr. Indyk, who is now the director of the Brookings Saban Center for Middle East Policy, said the Bush administration had let Arab-Israeli peace talks go untended for too long. Ms. Rice, he said, “deserves full support for trying, and she deserves to be given a chance and some rope and leeway to try to make this work.”
Thom Shanker contributed reporting.
Commentary Herb A Krantz
As usual Bush shows how little he knows about the Middle East. Not only is it a bad time to even thinks about starting talks with Israel and the Palestinians but he is sending Condoleezza Rice there again. Most Arabs will not take it seriously when dealing with a woman. Women hold very little importance in their society.
Also Hamas and Fatah leaders walked out of a meeting last week brokered by Saudi Arabia. Both leaders would like to destroy Israel not make peace. Bush has let the Israeli-Palestinian question go unanswered for to long besides the point we the USA do not hold the respect that we once did. We are not the peace brokers that we once were, after we invaded Iraq. At this point in time Bush has painted us in the eyes of the world as being stuck in a box that we can’t find our way out of.
It used to be when we Spoke the world would listen, know they all look the other way. Thanks to you Mr. Bush.
I have placed my Charity discount shopping mall link below.
It was started to donate 40% of profits to the charities listed on the site. I have also placed my blog on that sit. Read Alan’s story and you will find out why I have done this. Shop and save while you give to Charity.
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Special Valentines Day to Jennifer
You had come to me in a time of need.
You had changed my life for the better that’s for sure, indeed.
You have filled the void that was in my heart
Through the years I have love you so, even though
some times I didn’t let it show.
I was also proud to be called your dad and you have never made me sad.
I know that I was not always there for you, but there was not a minute ,a day that went by that I didn’t think of you and miss you even though you were so close by.
And now you have grown and have children of your own, I will love them just as much as I loved you.
In my golden days I wish I could help you more.
I want for you better than you had before.
I love you with all my heart and my soul.
You had come to me in a time of need.
You had changed my life for the better that’s for sure, indeed.
You have filled the void that was in my heart
Through the years I have love you so, even though
some times I didn’t let it show.
I was also proud to be called your dad and you have never made me sad.
I know that I was not always there for you, but there was not a minute ,a day that went by that I didn’t think of you and miss you even though you were so close by.
And now you have grown and have children of your own, I will love them just as much as I loved you.
In my golden days I wish I could help you more.
I want for you better than you had before.
I love you with all my heart and my soul.
I just wanted to let you know.
Be my Valentine, this year and forever more.
This is dedicate to my daughter who has taught me so much through the years.
By Herb Krantz
I have placed a discount shopping website link below. It was created to donate 40% of profits to the charities listed. Enjoy your savings while donating to charity. You can also donate to your favor charity.
Affordable Shopping Mall
Be my Valentine, this year and forever more.
This is dedicate to my daughter who has taught me so much through the years.
By Herb Krantz
I have placed a discount shopping website link below. It was created to donate 40% of profits to the charities listed. Enjoy your savings while donating to charity. You can also donate to your favor charity.
Affordable Shopping Mall
Special Valentines day Brenda
Special Valentines Day to Brenda
Every since the day we met my life has changed in many ways.
You have brought me back from the abyss, the brink of obscurity.
You have created a person that enjoys life again.
A person who can laugh, smile and enjoy the small things in life that most of us take for granted.
With you I fee alive again.
You are my life, my right hand, my soul mate, my wife.
You have brought to my life so much more than I in yours.
You accept me for whom and what I am.
You stand behind me in everything I do.
You give me the strength to fight the battles that make me strong.
As long as I know that you are next to me nothing can go wrong.
Together we can over come anything.
In sickness and in health I will care for you, for your love can only come once in a life time and that life time I want to enjoy with you.
Be my valentine for now and forever more.
Love Herb
This is dedicated to my wife for without her I would be nothing
By Herb A Krantz
I have placed a discount shopping website link below. It was created to donate 40% of profits to the charities listed. Enjoy your savings while donating to charity. You can also donate to your favor charity.
Affordable Shopping Mall
AAA Vacations Plus
Every since the day we met my life has changed in many ways.
You have brought me back from the abyss, the brink of obscurity.
You have created a person that enjoys life again.
A person who can laugh, smile and enjoy the small things in life that most of us take for granted.
With you I fee alive again.
You are my life, my right hand, my soul mate, my wife.
You have brought to my life so much more than I in yours.
You accept me for whom and what I am.
You stand behind me in everything I do.
You give me the strength to fight the battles that make me strong.
As long as I know that you are next to me nothing can go wrong.
Together we can over come anything.
In sickness and in health I will care for you, for your love can only come once in a life time and that life time I want to enjoy with you.
Be my valentine for now and forever more.
Love Herb
This is dedicated to my wife for without her I would be nothing
By Herb A Krantz
I have placed a discount shopping website link below. It was created to donate 40% of profits to the charities listed. Enjoy your savings while donating to charity. You can also donate to your favor charity.
Affordable Shopping Mall
AAA Vacations Plus
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Today's immigrants and Social Security
Today's immigrants and Social Security
Is there really any debate on who deserves to receive social security at retirement?
I don’t know, could it be the people that are put money into the fund or the people who are here illegally working without paying taxes? The answer is clear to me. Then why is the congress still debating on giving that benefit to the same people who do not want to become citizen? As far as I am concerned if you don’t want to pay you should get anything including medical services. Go the hell back where you came from...
When my grandparents and yours came over her from where ever they were, they did everything in their power to make a better life for their family. They went to work every day doing the menial jobs that some of these illegal asshole complain about. I don’t want to know that theses are jobs that other don’t want. Our grandparents did them long before them and they progress from there to better jobs. The difference is that the became citizen, went to school and learned the langue and made something out of themselves instead of just stagnating and stealing.
If I had my way I would give all illegal aliens till April 15 to either register or get out of the country. If not they would be hunted down and thrown out.
This may sound harsh, but we have to think of it this way, for every illegal alien one of our parents or grandparents will not get their full benefits. A child and adult will not have the proper medical coverage. A family will not get enough to eat. The less fortunate will have the little they get taken away from them.
Look at what the president want to do to fight this war. We can not as a people support this war against terrorist and still support the illegal aliens some of who are waiting to strike against us and kill as many as they can.
If you want to take advantage of all this great country can offer you, you must be a citizen not a visitor. My nice has been over England for around three years they will not let her work there until she becomes a citizen. Why do we have to be different?
If we really want to safe guard our boarders from terrorist we will have to become more diligent about whom we let in.
Call your political leaders and let them know how you feel !!
By Herb A Krantz
I have created a discount shopping internet mall for the soul purpose of donating 40% of its profit back to the charities list on the site. Not only will you be saving money but you will be donation to charity at the same time. Please visit our link below
Affordable Shopping Mall
Please vist my charity discount shopping site. Every time you buy something a 40% will go to charity.Book a cruise,vaction, all inculsive or travel anywhere part of that will go to the charities listed. Link is
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